Welp, it is in the 40's here now in Northeastern Ohio, rainy and dark as night all day long... and I have today come down with a sinus infection!! So glad it waited until my trip was over... school is next week!! UGH...
I was just thinking of what a blessing sobriety is.. that when I am sick I can justify going and spending what used to be drinking and drugging money, on fruit and soup. Just a simple thing like that, of being able to take care of myself is such a concept to me. I am so grateful that in this foul weather, I don't HAVE to go wandering out in the cold to get my drink or my 'fix' as I once did. I had warm places to stay before, but I walked away from security and safety because it didn't allow for me to drink and use the way I wanted/NEEDED to.
God, life is good, even as I sit here sniffling.... Have a great Saturday night, all. I will too, in spite of!!
Happy 35 years young! I decided I outta stop having those things, or start having them backwards for about 5 years or so. And then maybe just one every 5 years. Yeah.... And for sinuses? Try a bowl of ramen noodle soup, squirt in a couple ounces siracha sauce, until it's so red you cant see the bottom, and your nose hairs curl up just smelling it. Then slurp it down! That cures all kinds of stuff.
Hope you had a good Birthday during the day, before the storms hit, inside and outside, and good for you, you had 3 days, now you have two days to go before classes start on Tuesday night, right.
So Happy Birthday Sweetie, just let those little armies of Doctors and Nurses running through your veins, just knock out those Germs, Wam, Bang, yep, I can hear them.
Huggies, and stay warm with your animals, Scouty looks like she could keep you warm, and add Kiddaroo to the Picture, I have this vision of you being all covered with Animals huggies,
Better get off the Board now, started to just feel silly, need more coffee..............................................................................................
Happy belated birthday to you! I heard it was sunny today in good ol' Ohio. How 'bout that! Just know whenever you get sick of the cold and rain, sunny North Carolina beaches are waiting for you! Hope you had a mostly good birthday.