I love this Phil, thank you. I keep re-reading each stanza, thinking of it's applicability in my life today, how I was affected, in the past, standing at that bridge, afraid to cross, afraid not to. Today, I'm so glad I did. We all have so many bridges in our lives, and crossing them is just a step at a time. We just need to remember, there are others with us crossing that same bridge. And a Higher Power right beside us to help us cross. All we need to do is reach out our hand.
I have so very much to be grateful for today. We always speak of life on life's terms, and these past three weeks or so life has certainly been the one laying the ground rules. And you just can't fight life, can you? You accept or life will stampede right over you, leaving you with a mouth full of dust and regrets.
Today, each day has become a bridge. Each day I renew, in my heart, my contract with my Higher Power. I light my candle during devotions, and send my concerns out to the ether to be dealt with. I can't, we can, if only I allow it. I remind myself, there really is a Power Greater than myself, and that Power is the one weaving the tapestry. I'm only a thread of it. And HP is weaving the other threads in the pattern that is their lives. I have to step away from the weaving process so I don't unravel the HP's plans for them. Love and faith. Being here for others. And taking care of number one, so that I can continue to be around for others, eh? Thank you for your friendship and caring, Phil. Love, Chris
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."