Last week I saw a Doctor about now being Allergic to the full spectrum of Antibiotics. I was under the impression that if you had allergy testing done, they would be able to tell you, which antibiotic you were the least allergic to. That turned out, not to be the case. In a long talk with this very bright Allergist, I was told the only route that can be taken is that you have to wait until you NEED an antibiotic, then you go into the Hospital, for about 4 hours, Outpatient, and they "desensitise you to one of the good ones", then you are free to go home with that antibiotic and safely take it.
O.K. I think I got that down, but what was really Freaking me out, were the words that during the Cold and Flu Season, which is starting NOW, stay away from groups of people that gather in a close envirornment. That to me translated into "stay away from groups, as in AA Meetings. WHAT???? My meetings are the absolute one thing in my life, that I do need.
So I came up with a plan, I have asked about 4 woman so far, would they be willing to have a small meeting in my house once a week, I did get a good response, but have to wait until everyone figures out what would be the best day. etc. etc. etc.
But in the meantime, I have not attending my favorite meetings, and just like all of us, I have become so dependant on the necessary Attitude Adjustment that is there automatically, with the meetings.
Then I came up with another Plan for myself. Prayer in the Morning, (usually happens), then one half hour of reading either the Big Book of AA, or the Step Book. A very dear friend happens to be sending me a copy of Emotional Sobriety, which is coming at a perfect time, for I do have some time in the Program, But when it comes to Emotional Sobriety, have always felt that this is a weak point in my life. (But then on the other hand, if you had some Emotional Sobriety, would you be able to "Feel it", Personally, I would say no.
So the 1st Step, I am Powerless over these circumstances, and do not want my life to become unmanagable, with this new fear.
I do know that some of us here, do not have access to a lot of meetings, and they survive very nicely, maintaining a rich quality to their life, and the usual stuff that happens in life, and have quality Sobriety.
So when these small meetings at my house begin, I think I will feel pretty centered, after all I am not the one decided to NOT go to meeting.
So I am just VENTING these Fears, for that is what they are. Really not liking this new stuff, one little bit, but then in life, it is not about what we like or don't like.
So any advice on how to have a AA Meeting, when you cannot attend an AA Meeting, don't think I will be getting a whole bunch of replies to this, and the above question, really does not have a simple answer.
Just venting, and now I do feel A Whole Lot Better.
I am Powerless over situations that arise in my life, and I am responsible for keeping my life managable. This is a truth for me. And I have the Plus of a Sponsee, and some very dear friends in the AA 12 Step Program that I value, really more than anything in my life.
Thanks for listening. Oh, and Please, no scary responses, like you know where this will take you. O.K.
I have attended many AA meetings in people's homes, and I in fact do now, weekly, at my sponsor's home. I get a TON out of this meeting, as it is a very intimate type meeting... and you already know, that wherever two or more are gathered.... yada yada yada....
Important thing is you are taking care of yourself, the whole picture, mentally, physically, spiritually, and I commend you for it!!
Hahaha Phil that made a hell of a mind picture- I havent been to a doctor for being sick since I was a kid, and sure no antibiotics, maybe cause I'm young? I remember a month or so after I stopped drinking, I got sick, I was still getting used to pissing yellow, that was an odd experience, I think I just always flushed eveything out drinking, or was in such a perpetual pickled state I just didnt notice being sick. So I just dont see all the hubuhb about colds and flu is, seems something to just sleep off. But then again, this coming from someone who finds out his back is broken from asking a chiropractor to fix it (took the buddy I was working for holding my paycheck hostage to get me to go)...then hops on a greyhound bus to start another roofing job while in line for the neurosurgeon, because I had better things to do than be crippled.... I've got plenty more medical advice, just ask! only some involves pliers and fire.
Wow. That would be a little scary. But the good news is Flu and colds do not respond to antibiotics, you just gotta wait out the virul idea to do a meeting in your home.....hang in there & don't let the fear take you over.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
What Phil said may be the answer. Ask your son about a good mask to wear to meetings. You may think it'll look funny but I see a lot of people wearing them in supermakets and other public places during flu season. You could always draw a happy face on it or decorate it with some big kissy lips or something. Ha! There's always a way...Tim
P.S. I'll get you a p.m. soon. I've been REALLY busy lately with school and house stuff. Gotta go mow the lawn now as it's about 2 wks overdue and finally cool enough to do it.
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
Hi Toni, I operate under the theory I am not allowed to get ill. I take my vitamins, get a flu shot, and live life. Works mostly for me.
My daughter has Graves disease, so her immune system is compromised, and, like you has allergic reactions to most antibiotics. She works everyday, likes to shop, so is out in the public a lot. She does stay away from the nieces and nephews when they have runny noses, but other than that lives her life. Most any bug that is going around does not respond to antibiotics, totally useless, so it just takes time to get over. She does get sick more than the rest of us, but it is always viral, so it is time and rest, what's that old saying? It takes 2 weeks to get over a cold if you take something for it, or 14 days if you don't. She just tries to make herself comfortable, and weather it. Still she isn't sick but maybe once or twice a year, so not that bad. Most of hers is allergy related.
Home meetings are great, had a big book study at a friends house, it was super. I like small meetings. Having said that, after you start your home meeting, I would take my vitamins, and just go on with my life, it is hard to live a full life wrapped in cotton to protect ones self. Hard not to live a fear based life, we all struggle with it, in one way or another. You have your fears and I have mine. Overcoming those fears, being prudent and forging ahead is the lesson I am learning from AA. Hope this helps, in friendship........Wanda