Hi there, still Sober today, but feeling lonely, I only have 3 days of full time work left wer hoo! but feeling a bit down, i see people enjoying a drink! and I feel like an alien to them. I dont want to drink , but i feel like I ought to as a student, ,,,,,,,,i know thats madness.
Been wondering how your doing mate...Youre sober another day...Thats number one...And Yup...some days..its easy to let that stinkin thinkin..slide in there..."Itty Bitty Shitty Committee"
Most people can drink normally...We cant...guess its that simple...
And yup...I get the lonely moments too some days...so--youre not alone..just a matter of filling in the voids...like going to meetings where one feels that they do fit in...
You have Cabbageheads number...give him a call anytime...Hede love to hear from you...
Just talked to your answering machine...Ile try you later...
Pip pip Tally Ho and Ta Ta for now.:)
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
I used being a college student as an excuse to pick up a drink before, and it got me into enough trouble that i was NO LONGER a college student!! In fact, I had a lot of excuses, but not one GOOD REASON. I am just glad to hear you are sober today... it passes, if we don't p[ick up... but then, you know that... just a reminder.