Today is September 6, 2006 A Great Day for Recovery!
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Fear is a killer. It is a killer because it drains us of life, energy and creativity. Fear petrifies the human spirit.
I spent a lot of yesterdays afraid. Afraid of people finding out. Afraid of the telephone. Afraid of where it would all end. Afraid of me! I did not realize that I was feeding the fear with my behavior. I drank myself into fear. The day I stopped drinking alcohol was the day I stopped giving energy to my fear.
Today I live my life without abnormal or unrealistic fears. Today I enjoy my life. I work through my problems. I am not afraid of my shadow. Today I love me.
Lord may I always connect my unrealistic fears with my behavior -- and begin the change.
. . . . except when to do so would injure them or others. . . . ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS , p. 59
Step Nine restores in me a feeling of belonging, not only to the human race but also to the everyday world. First, the Step makes me leave the safety of A.A., so that I may deal with non-A.A. people "out there," on their terms. It is a frightening but necessary action if I am to get back into life. Second, Step Nine allows me to remove threats to my sobriety by healing past relationships. Step Nine points the way to a more serene sobriety by letting me clear away past wreckage, lest it bring me down.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.