"The way to greatness is the path of self-reliance, independence and steadfastness in times of trial and stress." -- Herbert Hoover
Today I take responsibility for my life. Today I take responsibility for my disease. Today I take responsibility for my recovery. I know I am not perfect and I have many pains and problems yet to face, but I take hope in my daily conquests. Nothing is too great for me to overcome so long as I have confidence in myself. It is my "yes" or "no" that makes the difference. In the power of my choice rests my freedom.
God, I thank You for my daily trials that ensure my victories.
Daily Reflections
The spiritual life is not a theory. We have to live it. ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS , p. 83
When new in the program, I couldn't comprehend living the spiritual aspect of the program, but now that I'm sober, I can't comprehend living without it. Spirituality was what I had been seeking. God, as I understand Him, has given me answers to the whys that kept me drinking for twenty years. By living a spiritual life, by asking God for help, I have learned to love, care for and feel compassion for all my fellow men, and to feel joy in a world where, before, I felt only fear.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.