I have a huge bird flying around in my stomach right now. Just got an email from the ex I spoke to last week concerning my daughter in prison. She will be calling me tomorrow morning between ten and ten forty. It will be the first time we've spoken in so very long. I thought about throwing up on my feet for awhile, but decided to wait until after the call...I am so nervous. Concerned about what I'll say. What she'll say. I know they dont let you speak for very long. I imagine I will post after the call. I've no idea what she'll say, not at all. So, I'll pray for the best, and would appreciate any good energy you want to throw my way.....love Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
I have been the 'girl in jail' calling home. She might be just as nervous as you.
I don't really know what else to say, just that I know you will be OK when it is all said and done. You know how to take care of yourself and you know people are here for you no matter what.
I will pray tonight that you get some good sleep, in spite of.
I can certainly relate to the tension you are feeling, maybe a little heading spinning is what I would be feeling. Our fears can grab us up and do a real number on us, have been there, done that, more than a few times.
That is tomorrow, right, so for me, what I have done, with this advance warning, do a lot, more than a lot of decompressing with the fear, I have turned directly to my Higher Power, for HELP ME, with this Fear, take away my difficulties, that Victory over them might bear witness to Your Power, may I do Thy will Always.
My own relationship with my Higher Power, is the only Power that has more Power than the fear inside, and doing this Battle with the Fear inside is so very challenging when it involves our children. Praying for you, and your challenge of today.
In the Book, "Love is the Answer" the author's repetition to God, is a constant theme of the Book, with "Peace of Mind IS my only goal." in anything and everything.
Wishing you God's Speed to walk through this difficult day, coming up in the morning.