... I heard you say "tomorrow', Justin.... :o) It is still Today...
To my knowledge, no one ever died, went to a psyche ward or ended up in jail after doing a 5th step.
What I have heard, is hundreds and thousands of other people JUST LIKE YOU AND ME... saying that Step 5 gave them the most enormous sense of release and healing.
I remember how nervous I was about doing my fifth step (well, I should do, 'cos it was only last month!). I was petrified. My sponsor picked me up and we went to her place. I chain smoked through it and, to my horror, so did she!!!
But, I cannot begin to tell you just good and free I felt when I had done it. I wish that I could give you a comparison, but I've never felt anything like it before. I felt overwhelming peace and an inner tranquillity that I just hadn't known about before. As Joni said, it's a feeling of release and heeling.
Justin, you will be fine. I shall be thinking of you so very much. I can't wait to hear how it went and how good you will be feeling.
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss