I believe that the guidelines here are parallel to those with any regular AA meeting insofar as no flaming, temper tantrums to an extreme ( I mean, after all, we do get sensitive sometimes, and I know I tend to go "off" on occassion when my switch is tripped). I think John posted something some time ago regarding this, need to go find it and repost it maybe? But general netiquette. Like, no cyber stalking. Avoiding the mean stuff. Being supportive by sharing your own expriences rather than giving advise. Anyone else have any suggestions? As far as what closes a post, I don't have a clue. Hope this helps? I know it's pretty general....hugs, Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
I don't think I have ever seen a topic "closed" on the board due to some kind of time requirement. I think that some of them just kind of fizzle out, most often cause they fall off the bottom of the page due to new posts.
I don't recall any one being asked to knock it off, except for the same reasons as would be given in face to face AA meetings, as Wren mentioned. We all know that if some one comes into an AA meeting and is very disruptive, (IE, interruptive, loud and aggressive, using excessively foul language, or pressing for an altercation with one or more other members) we would expect the group leader for that meeting to politely disinvite that person from the meeting, before they have a negative impact.
Other than that, my belief is that everyone here can express whatever they are feeling if it can help them or another person in their recovery. Here is my only request.....Be nice to each other, please, OK?
I am quite aware that i am no expert to AA.. But in the meetings iv been to iv heard lots of things duscussed that affected an Alcohoholic.. weather its their children, their parents, their wife, their husband, their kids, they house, their job, their ... anything..
From what i understand any stressful or happy situation can affect us alcohol wise.. .. a great situation lets drink... a bad situation lets drink...
Anyway above ALL that, people on here are friends who simply care. So it doesnt matter if your hoover has packed up or a loved one has fallen.. The people on here, to my experience will offer support.
Like i say... im aware that im no expert... But anyone please correct me if im wrong!
This AA message board is just that, a message board for members of AA to utilize. A place where we can share and exchange our "other" recovery related resources with one another, tell a joke, hear a heart, create a smile, inspire a hope, diminish a fear, write a peom, share an article, inspire a desire, etc. If it benefits two people, a car might be sold and bought here, a room might be rented, a job might be obtained through this resource... While as AA members our Primary Purpose is to remain sober and help other alcoholics achive sobriety, it does not become our sole purpose or function, surely not on a message board in cyber space.
Sharing an outside resource and promoting it under the disquise of AA is two different things. One will be allowed without any problem, the other will be removed.