I think the greatest thing for me so far is to be able to come to God in prayer and not feel so guilty and shameful. I can really talk to Him instead of giving Him a "sin list" every night and say "I'm sorry for drinking AGAIN!" It's so refreshing!
I'm still getting used to the no-hangover thing. It's strange to wake up feeling hungry instead of sick! Don't have the clear-headed feeling yet, but I'm getting there. I have a clear conscience though.
"And last of all I'm glad to have a clear conscience when I go to bed at night!" Yo Justin, you said it! And along with that, I gotta I gotta say that it's great waking up with a clear head and a clear conscience in the morning. (Along with a good appetite, as HDoggie said!)
good things are. no excuses to come up with, no more lies, going to work on time, spending time with my family,and yes the clear head in the morning not wondering what the h did i do again. take care wagon
Well the big ones, I don't lie, cheat and steel anymore. For drugs and Alcohol, just goes with the territory of being a drunk, I thunk. I sure know when I was young, I did not have a goal of becoming a drunk, but all those ideals went into the toilet.
So glad I have some real solid goals today, only within the guidelines of His Will, not mine be done.
Once I heard a man in a meeting say, after getting Sober, he did not lie, cheat or steel as much as he used to. Got a big laugh from us, and then we all slowly moved away from him, inch by inch.