Have a wonderful weekend, full of meetings and serenity and good health and laughter and love and pets with treats and kids if you got em' and pick-a-nicks and more meetings and prayers and smiles and good nights sleep....
I love you fellow MIP'ers, from the elegant (and not-so-elegant) Brits, to the California girls, the Crazy Canuks, us sometimes-seemingly-boring northerners (you too, Justin), HDog the 'pup', Mr. T and the dude with green hair, rubber duckie and chicken-little, the infamous Rob ...the alanons too!! I just love all of us!! We rock, as a cyber-family!!
Hope things are not tooooo wet, I was looking at the weather report, that included the folks in Ohio, how about a Sump Pump??????
It's all apples and oranges, the News reporter kept using the word "Intolerable" for the heat we are going to have this week-end. Don't you just LOVE those reporters. They should, in my opinion, have their names changed to the D & G Es. (that's Doom and Gloom Experts) hahahahahahahaaa!