Can't remember where I got this from. May have even been here, but anyway.......
Thoughts at 4am
If I am an alocholic I shouldn't drink - If I am not an alcoholic I don't need to.
People who arn't alcoholics dont lie in bed at 4am wondering if they are alcoholics
Remember its Alcohol-is-m , not Alcohol-was-m
What's an Alcoholic?
A man goes into a bar - big notice on the wall "All you can drink for $5" - I'll have $10 worth he says. -
Thats an Alcoholic
"AA didn't open the gates of heaven and let me in but it opened the gates of hell and let me out"
"Most things can be preserved in Alcohol, dignity however is not one of them"
"I drank for happiness and became unhappy. I drank for joy and became miserable. I drank for sociability and became argumentative. I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious. I drank for friendship and made enemies. I drank for sleep and woke up tired. I drank for strength and felt weak. I drank fo relaxation and got the shakes. I drank for courage and became afraid. I drank for confidence and became doubtful. I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech. I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell."
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.