Either you reach a higher point today, or you exercise your strength in order to be able to climb higher tomorrow----Nietzche
It has been said truth will set us free. Truth is not simply being honest with ourselves and others. It is also the ideals by which we would like to live. Some people spend their lifetimes never knowing truth, while others search for it in vain. To find truth, we must set out on individual journeys.
In many Eastern countries, people believe truth is found after scaling a high mountain peak and consulting with the guru. In a way, that's what we must do--set off on a tiring journey to consult our Higher Power. Yet our goal is not to reach the top, but to realize truth on the way. As we gain such knowledge, the journey becomes easier and less painful.
No matter how good or bad today was, we have gained ground in our search for truth. We may now have some insights to our lives. Even if we didn't come as far in our journey as we would have liked to today, we still have tomorrow. The search for truth is an ongoing quest filled with great rewards.
Help me find the strength to press onward and upward for truth.
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
LOL, I take it you really enjoy cooking, huh, Phil? After 10 days of company, I am soooooooooo enjoying the peace this afternoon. I have gotten very peculiar in my old age, and find my "space" to be extremely important to me. I cannot concentrate or meditate to the sound of candy wrappers crumpling....fancy. hugs Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange