This link brings up a picture of one of the three waterfalls in this village
Theres a big rock on the right...
Ive spent a lot of time on that rock..over the last 2 years..
In devastation.....hitting dead issues...depression..contemplating suicide....with no hope for tomorrows...and asking a Higher Power...Just what was going on..
And yu know? I got back answers...
And the main answer was..."As long as you dont pick up a day at a time..and believe in just trying your best today...Itll be allright.." "Help others have helped you..and give from your heart with love"
Today? I still have those days..where I might be laughing on the outside...but on the inside? Its a different story....But its day at a time..Its ok....
Onward we go....
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
cut and paste the above link into your web browser. It will ask you if you want Google image? Click on it. You will see the falls that are 3 blocks from my house in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Just outside of Akron. I am going there tonight to veg for a little while and take in the fresh air. Enjoy!!!