I think, Justin, that whenever someone posts a comment to a topic? That the board system updates it so that it's last post time goes to the top. I think. But, then sometimes, I don't think I should think...............ya think? Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
I have written to John, three times now about the new way the board is going. The last comment on whatever post, (I noticed when someone Responded to Phil Post on Being Vlunerable, which he Posted 2 weeks ago, came up to the front of the Page, as the last response seems to be "trumping" all the other Posts.) Maybe it can go back to the old format, but we will have to wait and see, when John gets my messages. maybe he is on a vacation, or just too busy to read his MIP PMs.) But we will hear back from him.
It is a little confusing I know, so I'm practicing patience, and it seems to be working.
Hope to see hear from you when you get back from your meeting, and I hope that your "feeling ill, with whatever you have" is passed. I hope, I hope.
You can change this option manualy per viewer if you want to.. At the bottom right hand side of the screen next to the page numbers the is a drop down menu that allows you to chose how you want the messages on "your" screen displayed, eg LAST MODIFIED which is what it seems to now be defaulted at but you can change it to START DATE which is what it was defaulted at before.. This menu will only effect how each individual member views thie main page not everyone else.. or atleast shouldnt do anyway..
I tried doing that three days ago, but everytime, say after a Post, or Response, it will revert back to "Last Modified" seems like it needs to be "Set" at Date Started, but I cannot do that, I think it is an intregal part of a main Edited feature, that we can not access.
Maybe John will be able to set it at Start Date, hope so. The Board is just a little confusing to Read, but now that I know this is the problem, I am just trying to make the adjustments to it, until it goes back to the old format.