Hi, Just a note to say I just received a call from Chris, (Wren) that she will not be Posting, as her PC is not working. She does not know when she will be back, maybe tomorrow, maybe much longer.
She did not want anyone wondering why she was not Posting.
So Chrissy, we do and will miss you until your Return.
Well, I am now typing on my nice new way too expensive, couldn't be afforded but we did it anyway, computer. In the process, tho, I have lost all my, and I mean ALL my emails and addys from the past two years. I am so not happy, LOL. So, if everyone would send me their email addys again, puleez? I'm at dryw_s@earthlink.net. Thank you so much. Gads, I will never ever remember what all I've saved in favorites.......Wren(ney)
ps: underscore between dryw and the s....
-- Edited by Wren at 20:58, 2006-06-26
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
A bad 'crash' got me to invest in a new comp not too long ago too.... it was aggravating trying to retrieve what was lost, but a very good idea and glad I broke down and did it. I am so much more conscious, too, of how much CRAP I download or keep on it... LOL Kinda like the 4th step (had to do it!!!!.... the reference... :)) If i don't keep my emotional hard-drive clear of nasty bugs and resentments, I too will crash!!!!!