First , let me say up front, this is a Trivia kind of Post.
Woke up at 4:45, this am, with about 4 1/2 sleep, got on the Board, then make coffee, and breakfast, was headed back to beddy bye, and no I had to stop and read the Board again.
Well I look at the right hand, and can see, I have been into my OCD. My name appears in everyones Posts, guess I thought I had something to offer in this state of no sleep. haha.
Burning rubber on this typing Pad.
had a really great day, yesterday, and then, this. OCD, all I can say is Thank God this Board is here, I might have done something really dumb, like 2 loads of wash, and cleaned out my frig. and vacumed my hardwood floors, theres a thought, haha, the Board saved me.
O.K. thats enough of this Me Me Post,
Hope you all have a Great Monday, and I am going to cross my fingers and use one of Rosie's great Quotes, DONE
Our new house mate woke me up in the wee hours, running up and down the bed and pouncing on my head, so I also was up early. Came in here with coffee cup in hand, thinking nobody'd had time to post yet....and decided that I just had no way to follow up on anything you'd said, so read a book and went back to bed. Called CLA. LOL, you're OCD is atleast productive. Love Chris
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
I am glad that someone else comes to these boards frequently and during the wee hours of the morning. When I am alone I know that the board is always there for me. Reading the shares and lending support to others helps me make it through the day and the night. Keep it up!