Last night I came home feeling really weird. I prayed about it and went to sleep. This morning I woke up with a horrible headace. Didn't think much of it. After I got to work this morning I started feeling weird again. Chills, shakes, dizziness, along with a pounding headache. I told my boss and came home. It's scary to have stuff like this happen. I'm feeling a little better after a short nap, but I'm kinda upset about this being an unexcused absence at work. Two of those and I'm fired. I like my job and the security it brings to my life. I can't think of much else to say. Just a bad start to the day. I've been due for one. Take it easy...
I feel like that when I'm coming down with something. Is there fever? Sometimes chills mean fever. The drill is rest, liquids and see how it is in the morning.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time