Hello all, (This was posted to another board as well, just a head's up for those who don't want to read it twice)
I love this program for so many reasons, today because I can come and share something difficult and know that somewhere in the rooms, someone has gone through something similar and can share ESH on it.
My mom just emailed me the news from her doctor. About 1 year ago (almost to the date) she was rushed to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. Turned out she had colon cancer and her colon had ruptured. They found out the cancer had spread to the liver, but not to the lymph nodes. They seemed fairly optimistic at that point, once she got past the critical healing stage from surgery. She's been doing well on chemo since then, having now resumed teaching dance and other things.
Today she just found out there are many lesions on the liver and her cancer is incurable - it will NOT go into remission. She has a pretty good attitude about it. She said it's in God's hands and she'll just keep doing what she's doing until she can't do it anymore. But it is sad. She's always been the strong one out of my parents, my dad being an active A to this point even, now weak and on oxygen for emphysema as well. I expected news like this about him. But not about mom.
It's funny how we know in the back of our minds somehow that we are meant to outlive our parents, but when push comes to shove, it's hard to come to terms with the fact that the once invincible hero in our lives becomes the vulnerable who needs us.
My heart hurts a little today. I need to share that because it's so easy to get right into my head and start rationalizing and analyzing, but I need to stay in my heart a little, learn to feel and deal with the emotions. And she isn't gone today. But it is hard to see her in pain. I love her, and we always "want" to be able to kiss the boo boo and make it go away, even for our mommy.
karen, i don't know WHAT to say to u in your time of sorrow, so here is a BIG SINCERE hug .........((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( karen ))))))))))))))))))))))) rosie
(((((((((((Huggys))))))))))))), I lost my mom to breast cancer three years ago and still feel sad. It's hard to go through the big C with someone that you love. My heart goes out to you.
Sorry to hear the news. Gods plan sometimes isn't what we want. I hope you can overcome this and be there for your mom and create some more good memories. All we have is today. Take care and keep posting. Hugs...
i lost my mom to cancer in feb,this was a tough one, but i made it without picking up. god has his plan and there no stopping it, thinking of you in these very hard times wagon
thank you for trusting us enough to share this with us. I pray for peace and strength as you all get through this. Your Mother is so very blessed to have a daughter like you there for her. Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
Karen, I know what its like to watch somone you love suffer so miserably, I have had several relatives, and I have a big family, die of cancer. Make the best of today dear, my sympathy goes out to you. I know its hard to think of now but her death wil end her suffering. We only have today and this is somthing that all of us are powerless over. Make the best of what time you have left with her. Both of you will be in my prayers!
Sorry to hear about your mother - I have lost aunts and uncles to the same disease. You, your mother and your father are in my prayers. In my experience I have realized that my HP dishes out for us what he knows we can handle. You will get through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Big Hug Accept the things we can not change.
-- Edited by jeannie at 09:14, 2006-05-05
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.