Its a lovely hot sunny day today, and I have been living it up, been sat on a deck chair eating good food, drinking good water! and generally having fun, my sponce came over today and we went through some stuff, I am not too worried but he has just come back from a 2 week holiday in spain and in june he is going on another holiday for 3 months.
Sitting here with an ice pack on the back that is both refreshing and comforting for the back, my biggest worry today is should I eat sausage fries and beans or pasta for tea which chopped sausage and fresh baked bread>? oh its a tough one.
I have found that when I clear the rubbish out, my head fills with good stuff, I get restored to sanity, not given sanity that I have never had, but restored, just like you would restore a classic car, clean off the dirt and grime, change a few things and its a nice shiney e type again purring like a cat.
robert_______________I have found that when I clear the rubbish out, my head fills with good stuff, I get restored to sanity, not given sanity that I have never had, but restored, just like you would restore a classic car, clean off the dirt and grime, change a few things and its a nice shiney e type again purring like a cat.
rosie____________ u go, robert......yep, when i get delivered FROM the crap, i ask my higher self to delivere me TO something positive and loving and healing........i always have to remember though to "fill the space in my head" with good stuff, otherwise the junk moves back in...........good job!! rosie