Yeah, tough call. I only have one sibling, a sister. She married a Minister, right out of high school, and has always been the responsible, good one. I know I'm a total mystery to her, no way for her to relate. So, we say hi on holidays via emails, and pretty much I keep it at that. I'm pretty protective of my parents, and she has some issues with them. Tells me, all serious one day "Chris, you do know that Mom and Dad are going to hell, don't you?". Glad I wasn't trying to quit smoking that day. I did some deep breathing and answered "nope, Kat, I don't cuz I've no idea what's in their heart of hearts, or will be before they pass, and neither do you". So, like I said---we just sort of stay in touch. It's too bad, when it's an only sibling, but the alternative is me stuffing my feelings when we're together, and having to hold my tongue while she makes judgement calls. I can't go there. So she knows I love her, I know she loves me and means well, but never the twain shall meet. And that's okay. Maybe when we get good and old, we'll meet half way. Okay, good and older. I still have relatives that go into a panic if I call. Cant believe, even after all these years, that I call just to say hi, and not because of some crisis. I think it's their problem at this point, not mine.
Let it go, and maybe he won't even call for a while, so you have a chance to sort out your feelings. Maybe, write him a letter, send it, or burn it up, but get it out so it doesn't hurt your feelings anymore....Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
I decided a long time ago to close the contact with them both, but didnt stick to it,. i only have two purposes with them a clown a punch bag, and if neither are in place i get no contact. today i was the punchbag.
I cant even be bothered to think about it, its not worth it, he is just a nasty piece of work and cares for his own life and no one elses,. i wouldnt mind but over the last 26 years NONE OF THEM HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME
Sounds like a really tough situation. I think in sobriety it's all about cleaning my side of the street and keeping it that way. The best advice I can give you is what I have heard at meetings........pray for him, and mean it. I've actually done this. I'm not going to tell you about the bizarre results from my prayer, but I believe God listens to us and works in our lives. The answers will come if your own house is in order, right? Take care.
Hey Rob, Sounds like a really tough situation. I think in sobriety it's all about cleaning my side of the street and keeping it that way. The best advice I can give you is what I have heard at meetings........pray for him, and mean it. I've actually done this. I'm not going to tell you about the bizarre results from my prayer, but I believe God listens to us and works in our lives. The answers will come if your own house is in order, right? Take care.
that is spooky, i have just preyed for my fathers health and my brothers heath., but i have also made a desision that i want little to do with them as every time i see them i feel terrible two days leading up and three days after as they pick on ANYTHING they can lay their hands on about me.