I tried to get a substance called Gabba today as it says in 7 days to sobriety that it can help anxiety. any way when i went into the health shop i was advised it is a banned substance in bodybuilding. ,there was another item as well on the list, that promotes serotonin , this is banned too and has been known to cause muscle failier. scary stuff, and it is advertised as safe.
I am a little concearned now. my Dr said that if i eat well i will get all the nutrients i need, I ate a bananna today. that was a BIG thing for me, last time i had one i was 6. i am now 26. I cant see myself eating cabbage and raw carrots.
I find when i lay off fizzy drinks, i feel great.
what things have you guys found to work with the mood....?
I do Lecithin and COQ10 along with my regular multiple.( I strongly advise against anything in the Ma Huang/ephedra family, it's like an herbal amphetimine.) Herbally, I would talk to an herbalist about them, because they do have interactions with meds.Ma Huang Gives you extra energy, but can also leach all the iodine out of your thyroid. I learned this by taking it, and ended up in the hospital for my thyroid crashing. It was awful. I eat alot of sprouts---they're packed with enzymes, and we eat enough of them that I just grow my own, but they can be bought at any market. Good in salads, on sandwiches. I eat them plain, but I'm used to them, so....I avoid white flour like the plague, and use turbinado in lieu of refined white sugar. It's still sugar, just less processed. And I stay far far away from anything with food coloring. If I drink orange or grape soda, my attention span plummets and I get all fidgety. But oh, I am so addicted to pepsi and sprite. I try to keep them to a minimum, and drink alot of water but I do love pop. Shame on me, and I know better. Artificial sweetners are not good either. I've read studies that show they can cause mood swings and headaches.
I have a darned library on holistic health and nutrition, let me find the boxes theyre stored in and I'll write you a list of the supplements they suggest for certain things, ok? Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
When I first got sober, I was on Risperdal and Busporine, and then one day I started seeing yellow dots on my hands..........scarrey huh ne way I dont suggest this to anyone, I quit the meds cold turkey, and I'm med free today, I work out about 3 times a week get lots of sunshine, it has vitamin k in it proven to reduce depression, and I pray and meditate. I also drink lots of water caffine I learned in treatment causes aggervation, irrability. Right now I dont know how much sobriety u got but it could also be PAWS (post acute withdrawel symptoms) I'm not a Dr. This too shall pass
I dont know about straight GABA, but some PHDs recommend l-glutamine (which is metabolized as GABA), an essential amino acid found in many foods we eat every day, as a supplement to reduce cravings. Apparently when foods are cooked, much of the glutamine is lost. I have taken it and I'm not sure if it helps cravings, though I haven't had many in a while. It is very helpful for the digestive system too. Here is a link to the book-
The book also recommends 5HTP, Tyrosine, Taurine, DLPA, etc (other essential aminos), but at a certain point I think it doesn't make sense, because these are in foods anyway-
Also for me, exercise (maybe talk to your MD early on), sleeping enough, staying connected with AA, and eating well are key for decent mood- Also, just trying to do the right thing-