Hurried and worried until we're buried And there's no curtain call, Life's a very funny proposition, after all. --George M. Cohan
Often, when we involve ourselves in a whirlwind of activities, plans, and expectations, we push ourselves so hard that we don't derive any satisfaction from success. We need to face our limitations. We can't do everything we want. Even when we can do a great deal, if we overextend ourselves, take on too much, we will not enjoy ourselves, and there is no reason not to enjoy our work.
Our activities are part of what we are. If we choose to live in a frantic hurry, worrying about the next moment instead of this one, we'll miss life entirely. Part of self-knowledge is learning to pace ourselves to our own speed, learning to set goals we can attain for each day. When we do this, we can say, "Now that I've completed this, I don't have to do one more thing to feel worthwhile."
Am I trying to do too much too fast?
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...
i've been doing this with my latest "step 4 excursion" tryin to do too much/ learn too much /push too finally i did some self talk and really did the "EASY DOES IT" thing with me and this workbook i am doing to help me w/ my ptsd symptoms, its a great step 4 thingy as well as teaching me thing i can do to manage my stress/anxiety.....well, i am doing a chapture every few days or so.........
it feels better...less stress....thanks, i needed to see this post, cuz sometimes i am just "bollocks to the wall--no hold bard---take no prisoners" approach to life.....i need to SLOW me down....CALM down........thanks phil, hope all is ok w/U....rosie