Hello Everyone - its been a long time since I have been on the board. U might remember me also as " Both sides of the fence ".
I am in aweful pain from Fibromyalgia. I have not drank and 99 o/o of the time, I don't want to - THANK YOU GOD for your grace.
My problem is the pain and getting back on preseciption pain killers. I have been very tempted this past 2 months but I havent. I am soooooo frigin sore all over.
I DONT know what to do besides Celebrex, Jaquse tub(cant spell LOL), rest etc. My depression is geting owrse because I started and new job (merchandiser) 2 months ago and quit last week because of PAIN. I really loved the job and beat myself up for a few weeks about not quitting but coulnt take the pain anylonger. I dont think I can do office work either because I cant sit too long, cant concentrate, brain fog and all the other Fibro crap that comes with it.
I dont know what to do - I just want to screammmmmmmmmm. I am so frustrated and angry and furious and thaat just makes Fibro WORSE.
Thanks for listening guys. Will stay on board now - have really MISSED u guys.
I, too, stay in constant pain. I think 25 yrs of drinking just wore this body down... I've had 2 surgeries for herniated neck disc, still in pain....... like Phil, gotta do what I gotta do ..... I pray a lot, take no meds except for BP and Ibuprofin when I just can't stand it. Work a full time job, run a business, hold together a kid, a house and crazy parents..... Fibromyalga in my opinion is what Doctors tell you when they can't find anything wrong..........good luck!
Hi Kathy I have never heard of that condition before, but I do know where your coming from , i have been in constant pain today is 7 out of 10 0 being no pain 10 being oh gosh I cant move sort of thing.
I discovered a natural herb that helps me., I wonder if this may be the case for you?
I did a search on yahoo! and found this: http://www.saloxin.com/ I am in no doubt that you have heard all this before.
AA traditionalist may say not to take pills and stuff but if it is prescribed then that is an agreement between you and the Dr. I get non opiot based pain killers from the Dr and also antidepressants and I dont see it anything to be ashamed of.
I think for me, I was so used to being doped/drunk I felt nothing for like 8-9 years- I never got hang overs nor headaches and I must have done all sorts of damage to myself, constantly falling down the stairs falling off back of bikes getting kicked off the dancefloor by bouncers and generally not looking aftermyself
as I say I haev not heard of this condition but I shall ask my therapist if he knows any forms of relief when I next see him.
And welcome back, I am somewhat new here, Dec., but feel for you, I have a friend in the Program, that I am getting to know, she has a very serious herniated disk problem,in her lower back, and takes Medication, and she Hates it, but if she does not take it, she cannot walk, There are many people here that live with chronic pain, that alone might be some comfort to you. She is terrified of the medications she is on, and is working to see if other medications can help.
I feel for her, as I feel for you. Not easy,
But so good to see you back here, looking forward to getting to know you.
I know a few people with this condition.. all women. There are a few things that they do besides the meds and limited activity. One is massage and one is yoga. Also the positive thinking thing that you mention.
i know when my ptsd symptoms are acting up my body reflects it.....my inner pain goes "somatic" on me.....
since working on my inner child pain/ family of origin pain....and discharging this OLD anger/ grief, i DO feel better with my back spasms....
doc after doc couldn't find anything physical causing my back to "spasm up" like it just "grips up" and wont' release....i KNOW it is from emotions, and it takes muscle groups to hold back emotions, so i am working on FEELING and DEALING........
also i take vit b complex and GABA.....2x per day, adn drink TONS of fresh water with orange juice to flush out my body....i notice i am not anywhere NEAR as "achy" when i am doing my "cleansing" thing.....
i have real hope about doing this discharging old emotions by facing my family of origin pain....when i have a feeling now??? i stop and embrace it and ALLOW it...FEEL it....do my self talk and get PAST it......
my friend told me that "fibro" was "stored pain" i wonder cuz similiarly my back spasms......NO physical reason why my back "seizes up" but i am listening to my body more.........deep breathing from my belly......muscle tightening and releasing......and trying to do my self talk to stay calm, it is helping......
it sux to be in pain......i know how U feel cuz when i am laid up with another spasm, i just want to scream and die!!!!!!
please take what works and leave the rest....hope U feel better soon....rosie
i to have illness ''an i am in pain all the time'' what has help me is finding a suport group online '' people that have the same conditions '' i have herd of what you have,a friend of mind has it he is also one of us AA, he has 25 years sober'' here is a suport group address ''healingwell.com'' hope this help 'GOD BLESS''