Well today seems to be better although I am still really tired and have headaches.
I wonder if its because I have stated using tablets that are suggested in 7 weeks to sobriety and I may be over doing it? in the morning it tells me to take calium and magnesium x 2 + aminos and glutomine 2 of each plus 3 multi vits so I take all that but as well as the multi vits I also take a vitamin b complex plus 500mg of niacin which is a b vit useful to alcoholics
maybe its one of those that is giving me the headache?
it really knocks it out of you! and when I am used to feeling good, I think WHAT IS THIS???? Theopposite happened when i got sober I started feeling happy and I panic'd WHATS THIS I THOUGHT???
I take one multi-vitamin a day, (and one calcium tablet, as I am 55 years old), and little else. I used to take all kinds of supplements, until I read in several health periodicals that mega-doses of vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements can do the body more harm than good.
I would suspect that one of the supplements you are taking needs to be backed off a bit.
thanks bud, I have been daft it is entirely my fault, I was looking at the detox section in error. no one elses fault but mine, what a dumb boy I have been..
I am trying to rid myself of self pity. I think it has control over my life and just like alcohol- i am powerless over it... how did you guys rid yourself ?
Hi Paul, at times I'm full of self pitty and get pissed off if any one trys to cheer me up LOL. I have to try my hardest to work my program. I will not always be happy eventhough I'm sober,but I can try not to let my self pity hurt other people. So much is happening in my life and the pressure is on. I cried the other night because the pressure was so great. I felt a little better after I did,but I felt even better after I made a meeting. I did not share,but it was the fact that I was doing something good for me and being around other alcoholics that lifted my spirits. Try doing something good for yourself. I cleaned my house yesterday, it made me feel a bit better. LOL, I shaved my legs,that made me feel better (trust me when you have as many kids as i do, it a great gift to have the bathroom all to yourself to shave the legs). Today, I'v just been writing a lot and will clean some more. Just simple things will lift you out of self pity. Praying can also help although I'm much more of a physical person. I also call another person in AA yesterday. I did not get to talk much being this person loves to talk, it was just the connection that helped. I cannot fix my problems all in one day and things might get worse,so I'm taking the good days I have and making the most out of them. Sometimes though you have to feel sorry for yourself and brood,because no one els will. You'll get through what ever it is that is making you sad,but for now heres a hug for you (((((((Huggys))))))).
I have found that when I am on the "pity pot" I need to do something for someone else. It gets me out of my own head and my own shit and helps me feel better. I go to a meeting, call an AA member, make a nice dinner for my husband, play a game with my daughter..etc.
I know for me when I am all wrapped up in my own stuff and stewing around in my head I need to get out of it.
Self pity is pride in reverse...I read that somewhere...As Bill Sees It I think
So self pity is a major trigger for me to start thinking about drinking and I can't afford to lose my sobriety...
This is a Response to your third item in this Thread, (on getting out of self-pity)
simple version: Make a Gratitude List. It seems to have a "Fail -Proof" quality to it, for me.
Hugs, and Happy Spring to you!
Second thought, buy yourself some beautiful flowers, to celebrate how far you have come. Read you own story, of how it used to be................remember what is was like then, and how it is today.......................so many wonderful changes in you.......Great work my friend.
Toni, that is exactly what I do when I start feeling all pissy. I make that gratitude list, and then I take myself back a few years. I remember what it was like waking up, sitting in a filthy phone booth in a strange town, and having to look at the phone book to find out where I was. Then I look at the chair i'm sitting in, the soda or coffee sitting next to me. I think of how wonderful it is to know where I am when I wake up in the morning, and actually remember going to bed the night before. And knowing I have a full 24 hours ahead of me where I make the decisions about my life, rather than a bottle of Short Stop Vodka making my decisions. I have had alot of things, ugly things, come down over the past two decades, and I did not have to drink to get thru them. For that I am grateful. Love Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
I ditto what we both share, I go back to the feelings, I know I was still human, but felt more like a "rabid animal for the next drink" I came in finally, walking, but from a feeling point of view I was crawling, for a long time, up and out of the Gutter of the Friggen Disease. I'm thinking of that right at this moment, and wow, there is my Gratitude List in my head!
Went to bed last night in MY bed, clean sheets, clean body, clean thoughts, what a concept, for a drunk, eh? It is so easy to be thankful and grateful, when all I have to do is remember those days.
Good to see you here this beautiful morning.
Life is easy, things are good, and God is Great. real simple stuff.
A big Hug, Toni
Seems like I'm sending everyone flowers today, just wish I really could send the real ones. So much Spring is in the Air. Regeneration, and so much hope comes with it.
LOL, you know what that reminds me of? Back in the 80s, I went into the local butcher's to get something. I ran into the ER doctor (very small hospital--small town), and said Hi Dr. Carl! He said hi back, and kept looking at me weird. I finally said "it's Christine ___" and he looked at me and said " oh, I didn't recognise you standing up". I will never ever forget that. He said it so seriously, I had to laugh. Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
I get the feeling that my sponcer does not like me. I do everything Im told but still I am in the wrong. I ahve been told now that he does not want to go through the steps until im off anti depressants and he wants my Dr to take me off them as well as the pain killers.
I feel upset.
I have also been advised not to post on here anymore, but what else am I to do? these so called long timers are not so keen to answer the phones as they are to hand out their numbers.
I get alot from this forum and I disagree that he says it is a way to isolate myself....
Robert, I'll be answering this more clearly later, I'm off to town, which is like 45 minutes from here ( I live out in the woods). I think maybe a new sponsor? Never thought I'd hear myself say that, but I do not agree with a sponsor who gives medical advise or who says NO to someone who feels they are ready to do step work. and this forum isn't a way to isolate for most, for some of us that do live rurally our options are limited, and it's how we stay sane and sober. It's also a way to progress. Tell him "welcome to the cyber world" cuz many people come here to get an idea of what AA is about, and it's their first step towards freedom....Love Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?