Went looking for a topic on anger and found this website. Other topics also on problems that go hand and hand with alcoholism. www.apa.org/topics/topicanger.html
I just wrote a response to this, then lost it, and yes it made me angry, Haha. (for 1 second)
Useful site, Thanks again.
P.S. "Resentment is when You drink the poison and wait for the other guy to die." (and you might imagine what sort of poison that an alcoholic might drink)
"Resentment was not getting my way in the past, anger is not getting my way today, and fear is not getting my way in the future." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From a Post yesterday, and what it made me think of is how, now that we are sober, we have to relearn or unlearn every unhealthy attititude, and with using the 12 Steps in Recovery, it does all come together, great to have a Healthier way of dealing with anger.