We want to find exactly how, when, and where our natural desires have warped us. We wish to look squarely at the unhappiness this has caused others and ourselves. By discovering what our emotional deformities are, we can move toward their correction TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p.43
Today I am no longer a slave to alcohol, yet in so many ways enslavement still threatens--my self, my desires, even my dreams. Yet without dreams I cannot exist; without dreams there is nothing to keep me moving forward. I must look inside myself, to free myself. I must call upon God's power to face the person I've feared the most, the true me, the person God created me to be. Unless I can or until I do, I will always be running, and never be truly free. I ask God daily to show me such a freedom!
I just read this home and a couple other things. I don't know if I fear the true me ??????? But fear of change is one of mine. Here's another reading.
We cannot not change. --Paul Watzlawick
How comfortable it is when we can be in charge of our changes -- when they are voluntary! Yet often change comes as a surprise, and this is when we are truly challenged. It may be a job transfer, a promotion, a new boss or a layoff. Some people fare well in rocky boats and enjoy the chaos of uncertainty; others fear the unknown. If we can accept that every molecule in the human body replaces itself every seven years, why do we have such difficulty recognizing that some beliefs and ways might also need to change every seven years?
Our old photo albums reveal how quickly our physical bodies change. Mental changes come more slowly and may be more difficult to identify. Recall some of your "I used to thinks."
Resisting change does not bode well in a world that is constantly changing. We must ask ourselves what we really fear with change and use change as an opportunity for growth.
Just for today, I will acknowledge that I will continue to change. I can choose to let go.