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What is obvious to me is that we did not create ourselves... life is something inside of you. You did not create it. Once you understand that, .you are in a spiritual realm. --Virginia Satir
We do not belong to ourselves, but to the universe. No man planned to come into existence; he just happened to find himself here. We are the expressions of a life force whose beginnings are in the forgotten past. What does this mean on a practical level for how we will live today? For one thing, maybe we don't need to take ourselves so seriously. And we certainly are not to judge our existence. We have a right to be here, just as everyone does.We can live this day fully and not hold ourselves back. We may work hard, play, and enjoy it. We need not rein in or attempt to control this force which so far exceeds our individual powers. Rather, today we can learn to flow with the current.Today, may I remember my Higher Power is within every cell of my being, whether I notice it or not.
XXXXXXXXXX u know this post helps me to feel compassion for me in that i didn't CAUSE my illness now, and i did not GIVE my ptsd, it was DONE to me.....but becuz i belong to the universe, what the darkness does to me....the LIGHT can reverse or at LEAST enable me to manage it and live with it......i didn't CHOOSE being traumatized and ending up a "lifer" in the 12steps, dealing with not only my ptsd, but everyday stress, but i am here, and i 'show up for duty" and let the outcome go to GOD.........
XXXXXXXXX so i don't berate myself, in fact now that i realize and (not in denial) accept that i do have ptsd, i can treat my self wiht compassion......i can do what i can for myself and treat me like a human being--- not expecting myself to be perfect........i have a RIGHT to be here and i have the RIGHT to a joyful life, not this on going pain that i have to do , during my inner child pain work, and family of origin pain work...this past 2 years in recovery has been the most god awful pain, becuz i am not running from my pain, with mood altering substances, i am facing them SOBER......i am working hard to work THROUGH this so i'll get THROUGH it.........and i rely on my HP for the outcome.......i take it ONE day at a stop fighting / resisting my life/circumstances, but to accept them as they are and make the best of it for right now.......release the negative energy so the forces of the universe at least have a CHANCE to make things better for me..........i do my work with NO big expectations.......and, with my limits, i lean on my HP as much as i can......i know my HP is glad for that, becuz i am to "come to him as a little child" and i am!!!!!