I am practising the steps and inviting a HP into my life, I have a Christian friend who gives me scare tactics and says that this is all wrong and their is only one god and to make my own is a sin and I wil go to hell and all that Jazz., I went to his church once but I dont feel it is for me, A,A works for me, but I am scared I might be getting it wrong.
well, Robert.. the AA principle is to 'do your best and God does the rest'. It is kind of true that if we fantasize something that is not real it is not as good as discovering the real,,, but I don't agree with the 'scare tactics' either. We each and all have kind of varying perspectives on our concepts of God, including your friend. There are lots of Christian communities to visit. None of us can say we completely know God, and if we are truly seeking Him we will find that our understanding keeps changing as we learn more about Him. You are beginning at the beginning, so just do the best you can at 'coming to believe'.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
AA is not a 'religious' program,, and no one has to be 'religious'. I guess some people think they got it all figured out already. I'm glad if they do. I'm still 'coming to believe' as my beliefs are still evolving. I also find it very difficult to confine myself to one little group of people who think they know it all and that everyone else are dummies or something. I am having a problem currently with a parish of "Christians" who think they have a corner on heaven or something. But I do believe in Jesus, and God is my Higher Power.. not my sponsor, not AA, not a group of people gathered in a church building. Discovering God is between each person and God as they understood Him. I respect where Phil is at with his higher power, and you, and each person who is sincerely trying to discover and comprehend what Higher Power there is and how to come into relationship with such Higher Power.
may the Supreme Being bless you all,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
I've really had some "issues" in this area along the way. What I've come to learn for me is that where I am is where I am and that's okay for today. I've come to believe that I cannot put HP in a box of my own making, or my HP wouldn't be higher than me.
But as far as finding an HP of my understanding, my understanding changes on a daily basis. And as "How It Works" indicates, it's about spiritual growth...which means to me that I will continue to grow, never "arrive".
I'm not saying anyone's faith is wrong or right. I just know that for me I have to be okay with where I am at today. Acceptance really applies in this are for me as well. I don't believe that HP is sitting around getting mad because I don't get what I don't get yet.