"Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of Character."
"THIS is the Step that separates the men from the boys." So declares a well-loved clergyman who happens to be one of A.A.'s greatest friends. He goes on to explain that any person capable of enough willingness and honesty to try repeatedly Step Six on all his faults - without any reservations whatever - has indeed come a long way spiritually, and is therefore entitled to be called a man who is sincerely trying to grow in the image and likeness of his own Creator.
From: Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Page 63, Step and 1st paragraph.
Step Six, is truly a beautiful Ideal, that is how I see this step, and I believe Ideals are good things to have in our little lives, thinking of the Journey, not the Destination. A willingness needs to be there, followed by the other Ideal, the Seventh Step.
Someone wrote on this Board, a few weeks ago, that they were a Spiritual being, trying to live in a Physical being. I can remember thinking, wow, I am not there yet, I am still just me, trying and at times, struggling to live a Spiritual Life. Higher Power does come first, have to work that everyday.
Phil, just how big is this onion, does it ever stop having layers, and then more layers. This step, turns into the hardest Step as the years go by, harder in my opinion that the 4th and 5th Steps. Just have to keep trudging, eh?
I know several people who have over 20 years, it seems to be a turning point, you would know, any advice?