Hi trudi. thanx for your post.. well your thread... i am havin a drink tonight. though not too far gone.. at the moment.. i have posted.. a .. well a very long post on my other thread "i actualy made it to a meeting" tonight and iv actually added to it several times tonight as i have rememberd several bits.. so if you did read it earlier then i have added to it since... so .. well that explains how i am at the moment etc..
It also explains why i wont be able to get to a meetin till monday.. well possibly sunday but thats fairly unlikely... but like i say the post on the other thread explains it.. though i warn you its is abit long..
Thanx again for your post its VERY much appreciated.. EVERYONES SUPPORT is appreciated.. and.. well needed to be honest.... i think what i would really love is for someone at an aa meeting that i might go to to be a member on here and know some of my story.. that would be great but who knows..
Thanx Trudi.. and i hope things with you are ok..?
You sound a little like I did when the doctor in the Emergency Room told me that my appendix had to come out. I told him 'later', but he said I would be dead later. I told him that there were some things that had to be done first. He said I had to be alive later to do anything else,, that getting that appendix out before it ruptured was top priority, and then we'd see about the other stuff. Then later,, I was doing this and that and he came back and he said, "You're stalling!" I told him I wasn't stalling,,, I had to get ready, wash up, brush my teeth, etc.. He said , "You'd better be on that stretcher in 5 minutes!" Well, he was really right. So I put everything down, and I got on the stretcher, and was brought to the OR to let him remove my appendix. I feel a lot better now, and am getting more done than if I'd died.
hint, hint, Rob.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Things won't get better until you stop drinking. Tough it out one day at a time, get to the meetings, listen to what's being said, put your hand out and get to know people and call them ... things will get better. Give it a try.
I just registered here on this board and it is because of you. I have been reading the posts for a while now and a couple days ago I found myself wondering how you were doing and if you got to a meeting.
I remember my first meeting...it was soooooo scary! I was hungover and scared and felt like a complete idiot. That was not the last time I drank....but it was the last time I drank without thinking about AA and sobriety. I always tell people that AA ruined my drinking. I am only 3 1/2 months sober today but reading your posts shows me how much I have changed in that short amount of time. Thank you for sharing here and helping me stay sober today. Keep going to meetings. It gets easier and there are actually days now where I think "I want to go to a meeting" instead of "I HAVE to get to a meeting today!"
Thanks also to everyone else who posts here. This is a wonderful site and I am grateful that I found it!