Have you prayed about it as much as youve talked about it?
This quote could easily have said thought or worried about it as much as talked about it. Thats because before recovery thats all I did with my problems. Around and around Id go, rehashing problems, painting the same dark scenarios and obsessing myself into depression. And if you were around, Id drag you down with me. Because I didnt have a Higher Power in my life, there was never the thought of turning it over. Instead, it was just me and my problems or worse my solutions to my problems.
When I entered recovery, I was taught that I no long had to be alone. First, I discovered a fellowship of other alcoholics who had overcome the same problems I had, and they offered suggestions and solutions that had worked for them. Next I was introduced to the Twelve Steps which offered a way out of my old self and my old thinking. Finally, I found my Higher Power and through much practice I came to believe that He could do for me what I couldnt do for myself. Once I made a decision to turn my will and life over to God, my life changed.
Through prayer and meditation I have learned how to strengthen my conscious contact with God, and I have been given the gift of a transformed life and way of living. Today, I know that I am no longer alone, and that I no longer have to carry a burden or problem by myself. My Higher Power is always there and ready to help if I am willing to turn my will and life over to Him.
Today when I find myself talking or thinking or worrying too much, I remember to start praying. The right solutions always come when I do.
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Copyright @ 2016 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'