p. 76 "Long before this booklet was even thought of, every single idea in it and many more suggestions for living sober were learned and proved successful by hundreds of thousands of alcoholics. We did this not just by reading, but also by talking to each other. At first, we mostly listened.
You can easily do the same thing, free, and you don't haave to 'join' anything.
What we did was simply go to meetings of AA. There are over (at time of writing) 5 million each year, in approximately 150 countries around the globe. And remember, you do not have to become an AA member in order to visit some AA meetings (open). If all you want to do is sort of 'try out' AA, you are entirely welcome to attend AA meetings as an observer and just listen quietly, without saying a word. you don't need to give your name, or you can give a phony one if you want to. AA understands. It doesn't record names of either members or visitors attending meetings, anyhow. You won't have to sign anything, or answer any questions.
Feel free to ask some, if you wish. But many people prefer just to listen the first few times.
Like practically everyone else who has gone to an AA meeting, you'll probably be very surprised the first time. The people you see around you look mostly normal, healthy, reasonably happy, and successful. They do not look like old-fashioned cartoons of drunkards, bums, or fanatic, dried up teetotalers.
What's more, you'll usually find us quite a friendly bunch, doing a lot of laughing - at ourselves. That is why, if you are hung-over, an AA gathering provides a cheerful environment for getting past the hangover and beginning to feel much, much better.
You can be very sure that every AA member in that room deeply understands exactly how you feel, because we remember vividly our own hangover miseries, and how it felt the first time we ever went to an AA meeting.
If you are shy, kind of a loner - just like many of us - you'll find the AA members willing to let you pretty much alone if that is really what you want and it makes you more comfortable.
However, most of us found it much more beneficial to hang around for a bite and a chat after the meeting. Feel free to participate in the socializing... just as much, or as little, as you wish
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
This is so true of AA! And why I keep going-it's awesome fellowship, and they don't make you do things you don't want to! Anyone sitting "on the fence" about going to a real f2f meeting, read the above, and take my word-it's true! See for yourself! Only you can tell how it feels to you, so I think you owe it to yourself to GO! I was reluctant, but it's the best club I've ever been in! I am so glad I got up the courage to go!