First of all, I love Julia Roberts. Guess that is the "drama queen" in me that I love those sappy love movies. Just saw (which must have been 6th or 7th time)--the movie "Speed".....ok, tbh, Keanu is easy on the eyes. Despite that, Julia Roberts is my favorite actress. A quote from her:
I am going to strive to do just what she said. If we can all "get out of bed joyfully each day" instead of being depressed, hum-drum about our lives and dreading the day, what a great thing that would be!
--"Poor Queen Baby"
-- Edited by leavetherest on Sunday 9th of October 2016 11:51:26 AM
Some more Julia Roberts quotes (what an awesome person she is) I especially like the one about "wit". A good sense of humor (or finding humor in a situation which otherwise seems depressing), is important to me now more than ever .You go girl! :
"If you love someone, you say it, right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by."
"Life is so precious. Please, please, let's love one another, live each day, reach out to each other, be kind to each other. Peace be with you. God is great."
"Wit is the key, I think, to anybody's heart, because who doesn't like to laugh?"
"We've all been broken at some point. Forgiving ourselves or another person helps us move forward."
-- Edited by leavetherest on Sunday 9th of October 2016 11:58:07 AM