I am here, jaywalker, and welcome.
I do not feel like I am in any place to give you any solid advice at this time.
I know that the program did work for me for a while. I didn't do every single thing in the BB it says to do in order to stay sober. I let the people, places and things thingie get in my way and ended up drinking again. Well, I let my mind get in my way actually. Still doing that.
Others who have been able to stay sober, with my ESH will come here soon and respond. They will prob. want to know more details other than what you provided so that they can help you. Great people here, you will find out for yourself.
Glad you are here.
LOL! Just realized I typed "my ESH" when referring to other's. OMG! Guys please don't use my ESH!!!!!! Now what was vision saying about egotism???? (again, LOL!)
Hi JW, ... you still have not given us much to start with ...
Are you currently go'n to meet'ns??? ... are you, or have you tried working the 12 steps??? ... do you have a sponsor??? ... when was your last drink???
Explain to us WHY the program is NOT working for you!!!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
WE are here to help one another in a loving and caring manner..I have found that for myself,my recovery didn't begin until I made a 100% 1st step...That is I admitted that I was "powerless"(the driving force in my life was out of control) and my life was "unmanageable"Both external= easy for others to also see and "internal" not so easy for myself or others to see.I can only suggest that coming to the only STEP that we will absolutely have to be done 100%,WE put down the substance(alcohol and any mind altering mood changing substances)and WE do whatever it takes to find "daily recovery" WE can only get out what we put in to the PROGRAM(the application of the STEPS,in all areas of our lives guided by a sponsor)WE have also found those who get the most of the Program value sponsorship..Let us know more of what's going on so we may be able to offer suggestions..In support and prayer..
-- Edited by mikef on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 01:00:31 PM
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.