This young man walked into a meeting, sat down in the front row and said 'My name is _______ and I can't quit drinking, I need help'. As the chairperson, what do you say to him?
'Stick around and after the meeting we will go to Denny's and have coffee or something.' 'I'd like you to tell me your story'
-- Edited by MarcLacroix on Monday 3rd of October 2016 11:26:01 PM
Are you really supposed to show pictures of alcoholics here? Don't you think that guy has enough troubles, than to be seen by thousands of people, as someone who goes to AA?
I don't care if people know I'm an alkie. But, some people do.
It looks like the young man needs medical attention before a spiritual rehabilitation from AA, those wounds are going to get infected if not already , this picture should not be shown here, we all have and know similar stories, there is no need to try shock value on those of us who use the board to seek enlightened response from the fellowship. I hope this person got the right medical attention.
This is ghoulish it has nothing to do with anonymity,a and you forgot to include whistleblowers , anonymity protects them too but everyone knows who they are.i hope he got help from someone and in my opinion if you are going to show his picture and he is fine with it, then why not share his story, so maybe someone can learn from it.
He doesn't have to remain hidden to get help. He can go to an AA meeting, like the one you saw him at, to get help,,if he is ready. What are you gonna do, bro, force him to get help, by showing his picture on this forum?
This has nothing to do with his face, and whatever happened to him. That picture could be anybody, but, as long as I've been here, I've never seen somebody post someone else's picture up here, and say "I saw this person at an AA meeting". If he wants his picture up here, he can join the forum, and post it himself he he likes. you don't have to do it for him. Did you even ask him if it was ok?
I myself have no problem telling anybody about my past drinking problem. But, I don't want my picture being shown all around. I've never even posted it on this forum.
btw, I'm very, extremely handsome. That's why I don't post my pic. I don't need all the ladies 13th stepping me.
I agree , Baba what we do not know about this person is did he know his picture was being put on a public forum, and also his story, if he posted it himself and told his story I would be fine with it. To tell you the truth , we don't even know how he got the burns , I can only assume it had something to do with drinking. I hope and pray for him , I hope he gets the medical attention he needs and help from AA and others.
It is possible that this person's picture was copied off the internet instead of being taken at an AA meeting. I think the poster gets off on shock value and has proven to use this type of method to do just that in the past. To use a picture of someone who has obviously been in some kind of horrible accident, dealt and is probably still dealing with enormous physical as well as emotional pain, is extremely heartless, whether it is an AA member or someone else.
Whatever the case posting someone's face on this site, in my opinion, is inappropriate given that this is an AA related site and AA is supposed to be an anonymous program. Also, by saying "anonymity protects criminals and idiots".....Yes, there are some people in AA who can be considered "criminals". I would be one, as I have been arrested and driving while drunk is considered a criminal offense. Referring to any recovering alcoholic as an "idiot" is not very nice although typical behavior for this poster/troll.
And if I wanted my picture posted here, I would do it myself. No one else has the right to do it for me. If I was this guy and found out my face was on here--disfigured or not--I would be extremely upset. Have some empathy!
-- Edited by leavetherest on Thursday 6th of October 2016 08:47:51 AM
That image is indeed brutal and has impacted you as evidenced by the comments.
In recovery you will be presented with difficult situations and/or problems to solve.
So keep a cool head and think rationally before acting. :)
Keep a cool head and think rationally before posting pictures of wounded Iraqi war veterans. Bad enough the guy is disfigured for life, but then to insinuate he is an alcoholic and is looking for help, doesnt sound rational.
Given that this is a war veteran who served our country protecting your sorry ass as well as others, Marc, this is a new low even for you.
I hope Pappy comes along and pulls this faster than you posted it.
How very disrespectful as well as shameful a thing for you to do! I know I have problems, but you have some serious problems!!!
I see no validity to the calls for censorship. OP had his say and all others had their say.
The best sober response is to have your say, let it lay and move on. What on earth would benefit by suppressing the expressions? If you erase them, they still happened. We all read and viewed them. You can't change that destroying the record.
If Pappy had to delete every truly inane post on this forum, he'd have to hire an assistant.
I'm keeping a copy of the thread to save the record.
I have to say I'm with Pickle on this one ... the OP is do'n noth'n more than building a reputation of misrepresentation and we should let the post prove it ... Unless he wishes to pull it himself ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hey...let's make a deal, Marc. You keep your butt out of my inventory and I will keep my butt out of yours. Leave me alone....I'll leave you alone. Sounds like a deal to me.
Original posts cannot be pulled by anyone except the moderator(s) once there are responses. Only subsequent posts by the OP can be deleted by that person. Deleting one's own postings really does no good on this board as Mr. Pickle has re-posted my own posts I deleted. (No big surprise that he said above that he is "keeping a copy" of this particular one.) I am obviously confused about the guidelines for using this board. Since the moderator chooses to keep this wounded veteran's picture posted and misinformation about this man on here, than so be it...
.....I must be confused about the anonymous part of this program as well.
I am moving on from this post as suggested. I do want to say that putting anyone's picture on this or any Alcoholics Anonymous related site without their permission, and saying that they are alcoholic, to me, is something that should not be done. I know that Tanin is big on not censoring anything.....that is a ridiculous mindset to have in this case. I come from a family of servicemen and women. My dad, grandfather, aunt, uncles and brother served in either the Air Force or Navy. I am extremely upset that this veteren's picture was used and is allowed to stay on this board for the purpose of some poster's warped intentions and the wounds that he sustained in battle are used in this sick of a nature. It is disgraceful!
-- Edited by leavetherest on Friday 7th of October 2016 08:10:12 AM
I agree wholeheartedly Leavetherest, I responded to the original post thinking this man got burnt because of alcoholic behaviour, and then I find out later he is a wounded war veteran. Now my sympathy lies for the original poster, only a truly sick person would post an untruth like this. The original poster has problems that go beyond alcoholism, my prayers are with him , this is truly sad. That's all I am saying I am moving on from this.
Original posts cannot be pulled by anyone except the moderator(s) once there are responses. Only subsequent posts by the OP can be deleted by that person. Deleting one's own postings really does no good on this board as Mr. Pickle has re-posted my own posts I deleted. (No big surprise that he said above that he is "keeping a copy" of this particular one.) I am obviously confused about the guidelines for using this board. Since the moderator chooses to keep this wounded veteran's picture posted and misinformation about this man on here, than so be it...
.....I must be confused about the anonymous part of this program as well.
I am moving on from this post as suggested. I do want to say that putting anyone's picture on this or any Alcoholics Anonymous related site without their permission, and saying that they are alcoholic, to me, is something that should not be done. I know that Tanin is big on not censoring anything.....that is a ridiculous mindset to have in this case. I come from a family of servicemen and women. My dad, grandfather, aunt, uncles and brother served in either the Air Force or Navy. I am extremely upset that this veteren's picture was used and is allowed to stay on this board for the purpose of some poster's warped intentions and the wounds that he sustained in battle are used in this sick of a nature. It is disgraceful!
-- Edited by leavetherest on Friday 7th of October 2016 08:10:12 AM
Calm down, you are getting hysterical.
Here's what many of you are missing in your effort to concoct some kind of right of anonymity:
There is no indication in this thread or anywhere else that the man in the photo is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Therefore, anonymity is not relevant. The photo is just a random public pic on the Internet. Just like trillions of other digital images.. To suggest it be protected somehow with a made up unverified story is absurd. That is just simplistic feel good censorship. A farce.
Now, if you can prove that the man is an AAmember, then you would have a case for censoring the pic.
I'd like to take this opportunity to share a very unpopular opinion of mine LOL
It seems in these kinds of discussions, there is always a few people who like to pump up their egos with "my family member was Navy" blah blah so their response is emotional based, which totally blinds them from seeing facts.
My response is, you think you are the only person in the world that has family in military? What if I said the family members that I have in the military are the biggest douche bag, egomaniacs that I have ever known and I am happy they are shipped off far away from me. It takes a certain kind of ego and pride to put yourself in a position to maybe kill innocent human beings in a foreign land for a tyranny we call government.
Vision......I am learning to question people who have the need to repeatedly point out other people's ego problems. You recently posted about that about me and you did it again in the above post. I can deal with that criticism and hopefully, in time and with longer sobriety time, I will be able to make changes. In this case, forget it. If you think that by me being proud of my military relatives, that I have an overblown ego, well....guess I do. Sorry if you do not feel the same way. That's you. I'm me and I have every right to express that pride rather than, as you said, feel good that they were/are "shipped far away from me" and refer to them as "biggest douche bags, egomaniacs" that I have ever known. Are you a veteran? I wanted to join the Air Force, however, lacked the backbone and courage that it takes to do so. Some people have what it takes, some don't. Thank God for the ones who do. Otherwise, this country would resemble closely one in the Middle East, I feel sure.
So I am a "scoundrel" who is not a real patriot????? If anyone fits that term it is the people who support using this veteran's pic on this site in this manner. I really don't give a rat's hiney what you, vision or anyone else think about me. Call me an egomaniac, a scoundrel, in fact, say and think all you want. People who really know me know better. And sorry to disappoint you when I say that neither of you are all that important to me--at all--to cause me to use your nasty comments about me as an excuse to drink.
So I am a "scoundrel" who is not a real patriot????? If anyone fits that term it is the people who support using this veteran's pic on this site in this manner. I really don't give a rat's hiney what you, vision or anyone else think about me. Call me an egomaniac, a scoundrel, in fact, say and think all you want. People who really know me know better. And sorry to disappoint you when I say that neither of you are all that important to me--at all--to cause me to use your nasty comments about me as an excuse to drink.
Interesting, how this whole thread has gone from welcome to AA, to fighting with the OP, to Anonymity Anonymous, to digital images copyright law, ,,,to your most important and favorite subject: YOU (and how EVERYBODY is against you and makes you drink)!
Tanin wrote:Interesting, how this whole thread has gone from welcome to AA, to fighting with the OP, to Anonymity Anonymous, to digital images copyright law, ,,,to your most important and favorite subject: YOU (and how EVERYBODY is against you and makes you drink)!
Poor Queen Baby...
I never said "everybody" was against me. Although if I was feeling particularly crappy maybe I did say in the past I felt like the whole world was against me. If so, I am sure you will take the time to go and dig it up through your many copied postings you save in your cut and paste files. I have people in my life who have been supportive. And I have recently posted on here how there are several people who have helped me. Please do not take my words out of context. I have shared different things on this board which have happened and usually have shared way too much and when I am in a pity party (yes, I do admit my own defects, unlike you, Tanin.), feeling sorry for myself and when I am hurting inside. So what? You want to make something out of me being an alcoholic and having alcoholic tendencies? You trying to make me look like an "abnormal" alcoholic???? LOL! Like I am the only one who has posted my problems on this board? And really, who the Hell cares about my problems? I know that. I don't care. I'm just unloading. It helps just getting it out. It bothers you? Don't let it. I don't expect anything from you.
(and really, Tanin...."Poor Queen Baby"?????? LOL! Thank you for your 'gift', but I just cannot accept it! Oh, LOLOLOLOL!)
Discussion relevant to this thread, including guidelines regarding Alcoholics Anonymous anonymity, important legal issues and repercussions continues at:
Am I being totally thick here or did you just blow this guys anonymity ? ie "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities".
I can break my OWN anonymity anytime I choose (but then have to realise what an example I must set - I could be the only AA someone meets). I have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to break anyone else's anonymity. From the AA GSC leaflet on Understanding Anonymity:Â
"At the personal level, anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics, a safeguard often of special importance to newcomers" (my emphasis)
"When using digital media, AA members are responsible for their own anonymity and that of others. When we post, text, or blog, we should assume that we are publishing at the public level. When we break our anonymity in these forums, we may inadvertently break the anonymity of others".
Q. "What if I appear as an AA member on TV, in film or a Webcast, or allow my picture to be used in a newspaper, magazine or online publication but do not give my full name ? Is this considered an anonymity break ? A. "Yes, if full-face photographs and other easily identifiable photos of AA members (who are described as AA members) are published or broadcast, even though their full names are not given, these are considered anonymity breaks"."Experience suggests that AA members": "Respect the right of other members to maintain their own anonymity at whatever levels they wish" (my emphasis)
It matters not what this guy looks like, the point is he can be identified & if this was done without his permission then it's absolutely appalling !! What happened to showing love, compassion and empathy for the newcomer ?? Do you post a photo of ALL newcomers ? Or did you pick this guy because he has been unfortunately disfigured ?  Your actions make me worry for the future of AA - if we can't guarantee the newcomer anonymity, why not change our name to Alcoholics Public (we'll even post a photo of you !) I can't believe there have only been a few dissenting voices on this post - but thank God for you guys. Has everyone forgotten how worried, frightened & how much courage it took to walk into that first AA meeting ? How embarrassed they felt ? I don't know about any of you, but if I'd been singled out in this way (say "this is a photo of the gay girl who came to our meeting today"), I'd have run for the hills, never come back & would more than likely be dead now. We CAN'T play with peoples lives like this & that is exactly what you are doing !!! I pray that the guy comes back.
Love, peace & fellowship from a very saddened & disappointed Carolyn XXX
Oh, come on !! Mark mentions meetings twice & the fact that the guy says he can't stop drinking. Even if he doesn't specify AA, the obvious inference is there. Whatever the case, it still begs the question - WHY ?? What purpose did this serve ? Isn't this the modern equivalent of the (horrendously cruel) "Victorian freak show" ?? I can't understand how any AA could condone the posting of this photo. Where's kindness, compassion & empathy gone ??
Marc really did not say that, MM. Maybe read his first two posts carefully.His purpose is somehat obscure, to be sure, but one can glean what it was if you approach it with an open mind. As far as posting a picture of a person with severe visible injuries, it does not necessarily reflect a lack of kindness, compassion or empathy.
I'm not trying to be argumentative Tanin, honestly. I have read Marcs first two posts but I really DON'T understand why he should post the photo here and say "that kid looks like how I felt after my last drunk". I think "that kid" would jump through hoops if all he had to do to solve the problem of his burns was to work a simple 12 Step Programme instead of the many hours of excruciatingly painful plastic surgery he's probably had and most likely still faces.
Think this may be a case we'll just have to agree to disagree on, eh ? (My sponsor is a great one for asking me "how important is it for you to be right?" & would I rather be right or happy ?!) Usually I respond with an inward "eeaarrgh, I bloody well know she's right, but......" !! Followed by a bit calmer "yes, probably the more mature way of dealing with it" & finally, "Aah, I've let it go & surprise, surprise - serenity has returned" !!
MM, Marc was just creating a little scenario which displayed the unconditional acceptance of AA. Do you remember the story about the black gay crossdresser who tried to attend an AA meeting in the early 1940s? The moral of Marc's story above is kind of like that.
Yes, I do my friend. Though we may not quite agree yet, you've certainly succeeded in bringing my hackles down - my sponsor would congratulate you ! Early days each group wrote up their own sets of membership "rules" as well, didn't they ? When they looked at them all, nobody at all would've been able to join. Thank God AA is fully inclusive, & not exclusive, for all who have a desire to stop drinking.
Completely off on a tangent here Tanin ! It's 2.45am here & there's a barn owl screeching & hooting outside as it hunts. It's one of the most beautiful birds we have here in the UK. I feel privileged that I can hear/see it from my window. I'm mentioning this as I wouldn't've noticed it in my drinking days & though the dawn chorus was just a bloody racket that heralded in another day of misery. Now it's one of the joys in my life, even if I've been up all night (another illness causes a lot of pain which leads to sleepless nights, but again, my sponsor says "don't waste insomnia" !!). I think what I'm leading to my friend is that today I have the ability to see things differently - to look at the positive, not the negative. To be able to look at things from another point of view & you've really helped me to do that tonight and I thank you for it.
Sometimes I really need to THINK, THINK, THINK & not be so hasty. Again, I thank you for showing ME the love, patience & understanding that runs right through our wonderful Fellowship.
With love, peace & serenity XXX
Tanin, my friend (I feel I can call you that). Thank you for reminding me re the unconditional acceptance in AA. I'm gay & before I got to AA I was so far back in the closet, if I'd gone any further I'dve been in Narnia !!! That "secret" kept me drunk for a long time. Within a few weeks other AAs sussed me but they didn't give a monkeys about my sexuality and I knew it was more than ok to be me. In a short space of time I learned that if anyone did have a problem, it certainly wasn't my problem. That was over 20years ago (I drank after 13yrs but am coming up 6 now ODAAT) & today it's just part of Carolyn, just as my blue eyes and blonde (ok, greyish too !) hair is. Again, thank you Tanin. Have a great 24 my friend
I don't care what anybody says, or, all this justifying. That guy doesn't need his picture posted up all over the place like a freakshow oddity. If we need to make a point about "everybody is accepted into AA", we can do it without using the image of somebody who really got the bad end of the deal in life.
Im not mad at Marc for posting it. Everybody makes mistakes. If some of you think it isn't a mistake, I'm going to tell you right now, you're wrong. I don't give a shit about traditions, morals, or anything else. This has nothing to do with AA. And MM, you can play the part of "gee, I guess I just didn't see it that way, I should use what I learned in AA to open my mind and try to see things from other perspectives".
there is only 1 perspective about this: it's wrong. (Unless you got permission from the guy in the picture himself).
I'm not trying to come down on you, either MM. Sorry if it comes off that way. Sometimes, in AA, we try to achieve this pacifist, "I need to take other people's feelings into consideration" attitude, which is a great way to be, but sometimes, you got to call a spade a spade. And this is one of those times.
if you want to try to look at it from another point of view, try looking at it from the guy in the pictures point of view. Not Tanins, not Marc's, and not anyone else's. (Except mine).
Newcomers don't need to see that picture, or read all this stupid ass bickering about it, either.
Im totally against censorship. Or, I would just write so many curse words here, Pappy would just take down the whole thread. We should just let it float away into obscurity, where it belongs.
Newcomers don't need to see that picture, or read all this stupid ass bickering about it, either.
Im totally against censorship. Or, I would just write so many curse words here, Pappy would just take down the whole thread. We should just let it float away into obscurity, where it belongs.
Newcomers have ALREADY SEEN the picture. Many times. Before they got here. Before it was posted above.
It doesn't matter if they've seen it before. We shouldn't put pictures up here of people, and insinuate they are an alcoholic. Doesn't matter who they are, or what they look like. It doesn't matter even if it benefits the group.
If I remember correctly, I had posted a topic on an NPR show, where this lady newscaster told her story about her alcoholism. And you, and others, said that we should remain anonymous. That she shouldn't have gone on a public forum, and outed herself. But, it's ok to out somebody else, by posting their picture up here?
You make NO friggen sense.
Im right about this. You're wrong. I admitted I may have been wrong about the NPR show, that I didn't see the harm in her telling her story, and saying the program helped her.
It doesn't matter if they've seen it before. We shouldn't put pictures up here of people, and insinuate they are an alcoholic. Doesn't matter who they are, or what they look like. It doesn't matter even if it benefits the group.
If I remember correctly, I had posted a topic on an NPR show, where this lady newscaster told her story about her alcoholism. And you, and others, said that we should remain anonymous. That she shouldn't have gone on a public forum, and outed herself. But, it's ok to out somebody else, by posting their picture up here?
You make NO friggen sense.
Im right about this. Youre wrong. I admitted I may have been wrong about the NPR show, that I didn't see the harm in her telling her story, and saying the program helped her.
Wow, you really don't get it. It doesnt matter if the guy in the picture is a member of AA or not. Nobody should post pictures of people here, and say they have a drinking problem. What is so hard to understand?
Wow, you really don't get it. It doesnt matter if the guy in the picture is a member of AA or not. Nobody should post pictures of people here, and say they have a drinking problem. What is so hard to understand?
He didn't say that. Marc wasn't referring to J.R. specifically. It was a crafted scenario. A mini-story using an image of a badly wounded person as a stand-in subject which exhibited his idea. It was an artful attempt at communicating an idea. Perhaps, it was inartfully done.
It seems to have been lost on the most simplistic thinkers amongst us here.
J.R. doesn't need any protectors. Millions of people know who and what he is.
Wow, you really don't get it. It doesnt matter if the guy in the picture is a member of AA or not. Nobody should post pictures of people here, and say they have a drinking problem. What is so hard to understand?
He didn't say that. Marc wasn't referring to J.R. specifically. It was a crafted scenario. A mini-story using an image of a badly wounded person as a stand-in subject which exhibited his idea. It was an artful attempt at communicating an idea. Perhaps, it was inartfully done.
It seems to have been lost on the most simplistic thinkers amongst us here.
J.R. doesn't need any protectors. Millions of people know who and what he is.
-- Edited by Tanin on Sunday 9th of October 2016 12:49:45 PM
Bless that man's heart! Thanks Tanin, for providing a link, as well as a name. I may just contact him directly and see if he approves of using his pic on this board. (Now, you folks watch and see if MY post and account get deleted. That's okay. Acceptance is the answer and I believe now more than ever in "meant to be's". You all are still stuck with Mark and Tanin, however, I will be "free". LOLOLOLO
Poor Baby Queen
-- Edited by leavetherest on Sunday 9th of October 2016 01:02:11 PM
Bless that man's heart! Thanks Tanin, for providing a link, as well as a name. I may just contact him directly and see if he approves of using his pic on this board. (Now, you folks watch and see if MY post and account get deleted. That's okay. Acceptance is the answer and I believe now more than ever in "meant to be's". You all are still stuck with Mark and Tanin, however, I will be "free". LOLOLOLO
Poor Baby Queen
When you talk to J.R., he sure to mention that you are PROTECTING his AA anonymity rights.
And that you can be the star witness for the prosecution. Marc must suffer REPERCUSSIONS!
I couldn't "talk to J.R". Did send a message through his site, however. Tanin, I would want to know if anyone was using my pic in this manner.
What you stated is a contradiction to what you said. I won't even begin to try and understand it. You call me the "drama queen"...I accept that. Yep. That's me. I must say that in my last three years on this site, I know that I have stiff competition, as you seem to have the need to create drama yourself. I have spent some time pouring over some past postings of yours. I learned that from you, Tanin. (Not blaming, you actually educated me and I thank you for that). It is astounding! I can do as you do and repost them. So many fine AA members who have been on this site. So many inspirational folks who merely wanted to help others. Gone! Over and over again I have read how you have either bullied them, ridiculed them and used other tactics which caused them to leave. (And any of the readers can search these past postings---!) Amazing!!!! I am shocked at the number of folks who HELPED ME! HELPED OTHERS! They are gone off of this site, Tanin. So many! I knew of a few ---just had no idea until I did some "researching".
Now, I don't want to come out and "blame" we are all in control of our own emotions--our own reactions.....
But honestly, Tanin........what kind of possible pleasure can you possibly derive from GREAT folks leaving here and attributing it to you? It is over and over again. They could have saved lives on this board.
And you have the nerve to tell me and others how this program works, question our progress (or lack thereof) in this program???
Ridicule us?????
How dare you! I thought I was scared of you. I am not anymore. If I am scared of anything it is the fear of becoming LIKE YOU.
I am not sure if you are an attorney (seem to think maybe you have a background in that, as you are very proficient in debating and picking apart, honing in, using tactics similar to those that a lawyer would do. You are, indeed, an extremely intelligent person. It is a shame that you do not use your intelligence to stay focused on helping fellow alcoholics--and that alone. You could make a tremendous difference in the world. Your smarts, your experience in AA, you could make a difference, Tanin. I know, recognize, admit that I am indeed a real mess! I have had trouble staying sober. I come here to learn from inspirational people. I am a drama queen I know. You?????????? I want and desperately need to hear your message, your ESH of how you got and stayed sober. Not all this BS. Not all this catching people in their own words, pulling up old postings.....that is describing ME how I am now and what I am doing to you now. I want to hear about what you are doing in your life NOW that is preventing you from doing the kinds of things I AM DOING NOW!!!!
So Tanin, I am begging you, give me hope. Give me a chance that I can change my old ways. I want to know that I will not be like I am today. Offer me hope that I can let go of the past, not dwell in it...not ridicule, correct and reprimand others....JUST ACCEPT OTHERS AS THEY ARE!!!
Tanin, you've always struck me as an intelligent person. Why don't you show it here.
I've never had a problem admitting if I am wrong. Never. But you, my friend, seem to have a problem with it.
Why don't you just take the high road here now, and admit, artful or not, that we shouldn't post people's pictures here, and insinuate that they are alcoholics. You may see Marc's posting as an "artful" way to get a point across, but, not everybody who sees that picture will get the point. Especially newcomers, who may be afraid to seek help here, or, at an AA meeting, for fear of being outed.
And, you say "everybody has seen this pic. Millions of people know who this guy is" (paraphrasing). Well, I never saw him, I didn't know who he is, and, I think there are a few others here that hadn't seen/didn't know who he was, either.
the bottom line, is we shouldn't post other people's pics up here. Cartoon characters? Sure. Movie characters? Sure. Fictional people ? Why not. But not real people.
Now, start showing the intelligence you've shown so many times in the past, humble yourself a little bit, and say "no, we probably shouldn't be posting other people's pictures up here on this site."
It's pretty simple, just like the program. But, you have to take the first step, which can be the hardest. Admission.