For the first year or year and a half of my sobriety I was in fear of going back out. I was "AROUND" AA twice before. Once for 7 months and another time for 20 months. So this time around, for that year or year and a half, I was always wondering if I was going to go back out tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. It was like I just knew that I would eventually go back out, no matter how much I really didn't want to. I was discussing this with a friend one day and what he said to me lifted this great weight off my shoulders. I have never worried about going back out since then. What he said to me was; "Harry, you don't have to stop drinking for the rest of your life. Just do it for today, one day at a time." And through that, I have learned to live just for today, for a good part, anyway.
Don't worry about tomorrow. God has already been there.
God bless.
What we are is a gift from God. What we make of ourselves, is our gift to Him.
What we are is a gift from God.
What we make of ourselves is our gift to him.
Welcome Harry..and pretty well summed it up bud...and I identify with you...
I get up in the mornings and just say.."nomatter what..I will not pick up a drink today" and the next thing? "Take it God.(as I understand Him)....I cant".
At night I say a simple "Thanku" do a bit of simple inventory...and keep on truckin..
Its worked so far...
Its the stuff in between that can ruffle my feathers.(smile) Have a good day...
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...