I remember very well my first months in recovery. I went to my first meeting with a determination to do what I had to do so that by the end of a year I would be fine and 'graduate'. I looked and listened to everyone who was sharing, and I looked at the people who had obviously been in the program for a long , long time and I thought that it must be that somehow they just weren't getting it and had to repeat.. like a grade school kid repeats 3rd grade. They should at least look like they made some kind of progress, right? What were they still doing struggling?! Not me, I'm gonna work hard and be done with it.
Well, at the end of that year, I had to admit that it was going to take another year. I started noticing the people who were saying that recovery is a lifetime thing. humph!
Well, the end of the 2nd year I was familiar enough with the STeps and slogans to be able to work them as needed. But I felt like my life was now going well enough that I could stop attending meetings and just remember it all as I went to work and all the daily life things. I wasn't going to be dependent on the program, and I was ready for life.
Years went by, and I did remember to work the Steps as needed, and I did continue to grow.. some. but then... there came a couple of real rough spots, real challenges. It's not just the craving for drink,, but the feeling like I've hit a brick wall,, reached the end of my rope,, drawn on all the resources I have, both inner and outer and it's not enough. I had to admit again,,, Step 1,,, powerlessness. Time for the next level of recovery. Back to the meetings.
Well,, now,, I'm beginning to understand a little better what some of these people are still doing here,,, cuz now here I am,, back. "Keep coming and more will be revealed" . More was revealed, and I did get to my next level of recovery,,, and I stopped attending meetings again, though I did practice the principles that I now learned, and things went along for a long time,,, until I met and got involved with another alcoholic and got into a relationship.
The relationship started out wonderfully. but then conflicts arose as he didn't respect my recovery, and his demands were a threat to mine. At first we agreed to disagree. I did try to 'carry the message', but he didn't want to hear it. I don't think he meant to, but he got to triggering a lot of my unresolved issues. We started really arguing, and it looked like a break up was near. I really cared about him, and felt very sad to see him taking the direction he was, which was further into addictions,,, and I told him that if that was his choice that I could not go with him,, but we would have to go our separate ways. I felt frustrated, sad, inadequate, guilty,,,,,, and started to want to drink again, escape somehow... my recovery was challenged again and I was overwhelmed. What to do? Back to the meetings to get to the next level of recovery. "Keep coming and more will be revealed"
Then, I felt like I was doing really well,,, lots of things were falling into place,,, good things happening. The holidays came, and one day I was passing by a liquor store and I thought,,, why not celebrate my success and show that i've finally graduated? so I went in and bought some of my favorite - Harvey's Bristol Creme. Well, but after the second drink I got all maudlin,, that was Christmas 2004. I went back to the meeting humbled. Someone said that sometimes we go out and do some research,, and asked me what I learned. I learned that recovery is a lifetime process.
Well, now I understand why these old-timers are still coming, learning, and sharing, and aren't graduated yet. And I also understand why some sponsors tell their newbies to shut up and listen for the first year.
It may be simple, but it is deep, and it shore ain't easy.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Just wanted to share..with you...I dont beleive in labels in AA..
Even the Term'''stick with the winners"
If youve been sober for another day...."Youre a winner" Its that simple...
There are however a few apples in every basket that stay rotten...Thats simple too hu? Just dont eat em.:)
How each person...lives their life in sobriety...is their business..Ive got no right to judge anyone..and yes Ive been guilty of it...and admit it..
Each and every one of us...has to go our own road...and the journey never ends...
I cringe when I hear people in recovery say to me..Well Ive done the 12 steps...all I hafta do now is 10..11..and 12 on an ongoing basis...
Yu know what happens? Some of us only uncover a few layers of the onion...and somewhere along the road...the shit hits the fan....and the stuff thats buried deep beneath the surface comes to the top...and Kaboom!!
Thats why we hear a lot of people in AA say after different periods of sobriety..that they had to go back..and do another 4rth and 5th..and peel off a few more layers..
Im over 21 years sober in this program...
Yu know the only difference between someone thats 5 years sober..and myself?
They might live longer.:)
We are human...and yupper its a life time program...and its a program of emotional balance..and I still have days where Im leaning to one side...and I still have days where I fall flat on my ass..and sometimes life..is a real struggle..
I just came out of a marriage where I gave it everything I had..and when forgiveness was needed..I gave it..
When I screwed up..I expected the same in return..I Never got it.
.It could have been a great lifetime adventure. We went through a lot of growing pains together..We got through them...Someone quit..and gave up..Their choice..They say theyve moved on..But in reality..all they did was put up a big wall...and shut down...Im still having a hard time inside..accepting it all today..
Living life on lifes terms..Time takes time...
At 21 years sober..all I can do is share my experience..strength and hope... one day at a time..and ..stay humble enough to learn more..and pass that onto others...when I can...
Onward we go...
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...
I learned again these last few days that I can fall really far if I don't put it to work. And keep remembering I must. I tried drinking after 3 years and maybe 3 weeks after,had to be hospitalized. Tried again in a year or so, and Same, (only this time way more serious,) but they sent me to detox. That was when I finally started to get it. From there to residential rehab for 8 months. I have 8yr now, but yesterday felt nearly as dreadful as my first weeks in rehab. So I have really been through the ringer emotionally once again. It just shows me how much better I could be doing by really applying the principles and especially the part about being honest about myself. I am really going to watch out for the rationalizing and blaming thoughts that I should have known needed my immediate attention and handling! Loved your post! -paul