just wanted to say hi wish every one a great day.as faras me im in the 2 day of a 90/90 so far so good.the bad news still no job this weather is killing me .lets see what else is going on ,o ya last night after i got back from a f2f i thought id say good night to the wife so i im her and said it well i was tierd and thought she might be working or just busy cause she seemed to be distrcted so i singed of and now i think she mad at me for that.no worries here though i apollagized this morning just incase thats what was going on still havent heard back from her btu nothing i can do about that.any how ill talk to you all later good luck today doll i wish you well
Hey Bennie, Good for you , on your way to 90 in 90...you will never regret it.The job will come, just take it one day at a time .
In the Big Book on page 98 it tells us to " Burn the idea into the consciousness of every man that he can get well regardless of anyone.The only condition is that he trust in God and clean house." You can do this.
Benny The Bean:) Thinkin of yu Buddy... another 24 sober...and surrender is a big word..
Powerless is another..
Acceptance is a biggy..
Serentity prayer...
Putting the racing acloholic mind on stop mode..
Slowin the train down...
Just for today..:)
There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is YESTERDAY with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back YESTERDAY. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. YESTERDAY is gone.
The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control.
TOMORROW'S sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds - but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in TOMORROW, for it is as yet unborn.
This leaves only one day - TODAY - Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities – YESTERDAY and TOMORROW that we break down.
It is not the experience of TODAY that drives men mad - it is remorse or bitterness for something which happened YESTERDAY and the dread of what TOMORROW may bring.
Let us, therefore, live but one day at a time.
Gammy...thinkin of yu..and what you are going through one day at a time...in the midst of the storm...we can find serenity.. have the best day you can eh?
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...