im 21 and have a 2 yaer old son and a full time job, i never drink during the day, work hard all day come home clean up bath my son put him to bed and then pour myself a drink.........
last week i drank about 20 pints of cider what kind of mother am i! i dont think im an alcoholic but im sure i have some dependancy to drinking. my mother was an alcoholic (still is) and i have some horrible childhood memories from that, it kills me inside to think my drinking could get worse and my son will have his own memoires.
i live with my partner who also drinks the same as me but i dont think hes "there" with me to stop he also works full time so its just the evening thing again!
its boredorm i think the odd nights i dont have a drink i just go to bed because im bored we dont get to go out very much because moneys tight and we are in £5000 of debt, i worry sick about this having a drink makes me feel better.
every morning i promise myself no drinking tonight but my 7pm im gasping again and im back at square one.
anyone got any advice, support very welcome i havent got any alcohol in the frigde for tonight feeling positive at the moment.......
I've never lost a job, never been to jail, I have a beautiful home and beautiful son, I'm a single parent. I didn't drink every day, I didn't drink in the mornings, I didn't drink liquor ~ beer only! I promised myself all the time I'd quit, I couldn't. I went to AA.
There I discoverd:
I am an alcoholic and it does NOT make me a bad person or a bad mother. I have an illness that I need help with........ Park Ave or Park bench, alcohol does not discriminate.
If you don't like the way drinking makes you feel (guilt, remorse, shame, etc), then you may very well have a problem.
My suggestion; check out your local AA, it won't cost you a thing and you may learn something.
-- Edited by Doll at 06:12, 2006-02-27
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
If you feel Powerless over drinking, that is the 1st step in this program. "We admitted we were Powerless over Alcohol, that our lives had become unmanagable"
If you want to know if you have this Disease of Alcoholism, there is a 20 question brochure, in most AA meetings, have you ever thought about going to one, and discussing this, or going and just listening. There might be a lot of answers to your questions there.
Also, you can interact on this Board, and get some of those answers too.
So I just want to say Welcome, and if you have a problem with Alcohol, you have come to Just the Right Place.
Hope to see you again, soon.
Just want to add a P.S. One of the great things about AA, is that you can go out in the evening, and there is no charge for going to a meeting. There are no fees or dues in an AA Meeting, when they pass a basket around, you can contribute $1.00, if you want, to cover the expense of the coffee and literature, but this $1.00 is not a requirement.
So if you can make it to a meeting, I think you would find that the last thing AA is, is Boring. Hope you can give it a try. Hope you will stay on this site, and let us know how you are doing.
Hi I was a night drinker myself and hated myself because "what mother would drink when she had children around". I use to say I was not hurting anyone,but I was shown, what if an emergency came up and I was too drunk to take my kid to the hospital? It has happend where I was not drunk but stank of beer when I had to take my kid in. It's just not a good thing LOL. Feel free to ask questions and to look around. You do not have to drink during the day time to need help with alcohol as you know. I know I hated the feeling of being hung over the next day or too tired on the weekends to play with the kids because I was hung over,and that is what made me want to stop. Good luck and I hope ot see you around.
Amy, Just want to say "Welcome"...please keep reading and posting. There is alot of experience, strength and hope here. Only you can decide if you are an alcoholic, and you have taken the a great step to help you figure that out.
Hello Amy, I too am a mother of a 3 yr. old boy and a 2 yr. old girl I totally understand when you say 'what sort of Mum am I?' I have beaten myself up about that a lot, but drinking is a cunning and powerful thing and for me there have been times I just had to drink. My drinking was different because my partner would not allow me to drink so I had to sneak in drink during the day when I had the kids with me something I am not proud of and really ashamed about, I just have to learn to forgive myself. As others have said we all drink differently only you know if it is starting to bother you and how you feel about your drinking. Good Luck Lots of Love and friendship Trudi ps. keep in touch with us and let us know how things are going.
I guess only you can say whether or not you are an alcoholic, but if you think you are, an in-person meeting might help, it has for me- Oh, and I am 22, there are a ton of young people in AA where I live, which is nice.
Welcome to the board and to a family of wonderful, caring, sensitive and understanding people, who will not judge you and who have a lot of experience, strength and hope to share. This board truely is a miracle as well as the people on it.
I am a binge drinker who has a very difficult time admitting that I have a problem with alcohol and that I am an alcoholic. But I went through a list of questions and after I answered "yes" to about 8 of the 15 I knew I needed to get past my denial. Saying the words, "I am an alcoholic" is extremely difficult, but AA makes it much easier to face. You are not alone. If you are here, there is a reason you are here.
Alcoholism is a disease. Having a disease does not make you a bad person or a bad mother. But this disease is progressive just like MS and Cancer can be. I know that everytime I drink I am aiding the progression. Because I am a mother of two children under the age of 3, I want to be all there for them so I am doing what I can to stop the progression. For them and for me. I may not be a round the clock drunk, but I'm still a drunk. I don't know if binge drinkers become round the clock drinkers, but I don't want to play Russian Roulette and find out. So that's why I am here. Because I deserve better.