This is C A L I F O R N I A, unfortunately they still say, do you want Sprouts with that? And i say unfortunately because those things taste just like grass, that's been soaked in bleach. No kidding!
So with that, I'm going to have some breakfast, and do my dishes from last nite. (that's a California thing too!) Toni
Hey Phil and want to try some down home Tx little town is having it's 100th Chili Supper, which includes Stew and the delicacy of Son-of-a- Gun Stew, anyone know what that is? Good old southern cooking...hmmmm.
and P.S. Gammy, I like to eat all most everything too, but have you every really tasted those little white-green, threadlike bean sprouts, that look like they belong under a microscope, more than on top of you salad or on your sandwich. YUK! and YUK again!
So go ahead tell us, what's in the stew?????
My quess,................. Does it have anything to do with snails..or gun powder as a spice?Curious Toni
There are more refined names for this very old stew from the cattle country such as son of a gun stew or S.O.B stew, but the old cowhands preferred this down to earth name. In the old cow camps of the Southwest when an animal was slaughtered out on the range to feed the hands, the first night a stew was made of the innards. In those days the stew was put into a cast iron pot and buried in coals. A Dutch oven or heavy kettle or large heavy frying pan with cover will do. Ok, Phil and Toni, the recipe calls for tongue, heart, liver, tripe, kidneys, sweetbreads,tongue,brains...are you getting the idea now, everything but the hide or hooves of the animal...oh, and yes Toni , you can add spices. Yummmmm.....
Not my idea of good eating. Give me the sprouts and I'll put a little ranch dressing on them. Texas you know what calf fries are?
Sorry guys, can't help where I live, might explain why I started drinking at an early age.Please forgive me if there were any vegetarians who read this post.
Ok Phil just went to the post office, the SOB stew is on it's way, snail mail my friend. How about you Toni...need me to send you some? Don't get me started talking about food....
I want to thank you so much for the offer, but I'm going to be traveling for the next few months, so I would not be here when it arrives. But I will save up my "sprouts", in the frig, and when they reach about a pound, I'll send them down.... Oh, sorry, I forgot, I'm going be traveling!
Yes, feelings... all God creatures have feelings. Not making fun of the poor cows, or wanting to offend them....just sharing an experience. What about the widow and deceased husband who stated this whole thread...I think they are to blame.
Hey Doll, just send Brown on over for all the stuff we got to clean up.