Is there anyone here that is considered - more of a 'winner' than the others? The boss? The judge? The last word? The one who finally has it perfectly? The mommy or daddy of whom we are all children in comparison? The guru of MIP?
or are we basically just a bunch of recovering alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope from whtever perspective we have?
To me.. the BB and the 12 X 12 are the real authoritative resources,,, along with AA approved literature. I like to do topics and to share equally, and to refer to the wisdom of the elders as put down in these two books and other approved stuff. And I call new york if I want a real authoritative statement on something.
I do think I have some good things to say and share,, my recovery has brought me to this point of self-esteem,,, but I also apprectiate the perspectives of others, again thanks to progress in my recovery. I know I'm not perfect, and, thanks to recovery in this program again,,,, I've learned that making progress is good, and that I will try to continue to make progress,,, keep cycling those Steps.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
We are all in the same situation here. Some people are more stable than others, some people have a longer sobriety time, some people slip occationally, some poeple seem not to.
No one is the 'Guru' of sobriety, once an alcoholic, it's a struggle for all. I don't think there is anyone here that can honestly say that the craving for a drink won't hit them every now and then.
Sharing experience here helps me, and no matter how long I've been sober, I can still learn other ways of maintaining my sober state. These ways may come from someone who has ben an active member of AA for 50-60 years, or a newcomer that has just quit drinking. Everyones views are valuable here because different things work for different people even when following the steps.
Just my opinion, hope it helps.
Have a great day Amanda, best wishes to you (and everyone else here)
Bye for now
-- Edited by Cabbageheadchris at 14:15, 2006-02-18
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989"
Hi Amanda and Chris, I like to think we are all on an equal playing field each day...because today is the true test...will I stay sober by the grace of God?
The steps have helped me in all areas of my life, I am truely powerless over alcohol and other people place or things. I know that a power greater than myself is restoring me to sanity, and the list goes on. Taking a personal inventory, making admends...
This program works as we share our experience, strength and hope with one another. I must be honest, open-minded and willing to receive. Sometimes things are shared that I don't agree with but it is not up to me to set the person straight, I take what I like and leave the rest. I've heard so much awesome stuff on this board , thank you all. I've also heard some stuff I had to leave on the table and that's okay.
No one here is more of a winner than anyone else, just a bunch of drunks staying sober one day at a time. I'm so grateful for the program that is spoken here, by all who speak it.Priciples above personalities is so of the things that puts us on that even field.
I do feel that the newcomer is still the most important person in the room and that if I don't do anything else, I'd better say welcome.
Is there anyone here that is considered - more of a 'winner' than the others? The boss? The judge? The last word? The one who finally has it perfectly? The mommy or daddy of whom we are all children in comparison? The guru of MIP?
Howdy.:) and my answer to this one? Nope..Nope..Nope
I think when we get ourselves in trouble...and this is my opinion when we start telling others what they should or should not be doing....or critisizing anothers post....or judging what others say...or we try to be right..and prove another...wrong..
I dont know about you..but when someone starts pushing my buttons....Hey!!..Im an alcoholic...!!
Sometimes I can brush it off..and sometimes the old alky thinking comes back in..and I wish to react..
So..I react...I get a reaction back...and the reactions go on and on.till theres a "I loose" situation...
Ego and Pride thing? Yup..and Im guilty of it...
I can act like an overgrown kid some days...and still throw tantrums..when someone rubs me the wrong way..
Now...the right way..for this big to not react...and just accept anothers opinion..and let it go..
But Im an alky..:) and Im thin skinned..and sometimes I can take things personally...and its an "Ile Show You"
I still have defects of character..that need to be worked on every day...I have a shit load of stuff..that needs to be worked on every day.. would think..that after 21 years in this program...Ide be almost perfect...
Well..all that really is to one day at a time..I havent taken a drink..
Ive been put sobriety... for showing and telling others how I feel inside...
That doesnt mean..that Im a victim of just means that Im sharing true feelings with another..
Ive been called a wimp...weak...and screwed up because of it...
Well-there was a point in my sobriety..where I had walls up sky high..and could not... or didnt know show any emotion at all...
I think Ile stick to the showing them...instead of hiding behind walls...and masks...and if someone wants to call me a wimp because of it...its there stuff..not mine..
This program my a program of Emotions...and balance...and living on that spiritaual plain..
Some days I have it...other days I dont...
We are also human...
Well.Ive rambled enough...We each individually do... what we hafta do for day at arrest our disease..and learn how to live with ourselves..and others...on lifes terms..
We all ride in the same boat...and its not my boat...its the AA boat..and Gods boat(as we understand Him)
We share our experience strength and hope with each other...
Its very easy to put personalities before principles...
We are not only here for ourselves..We are here to be there for the newcommer...and be examples to the newcommer..
There are some days...that I...for one can still get all wrapped up in the ME ME ME process...
And its not about me....its about giving to others...of ourselves..with love..and understanding...and hope...that there is a better way....
You all have a great day....
PS. Can you guys all in a beverage room drinking with each other...It would be murder run rampid....hahaha
Be good to each each other..accept each other...
Im still learning...and itll never end...and being still a big word..
Love yus all....We have been given a gift...and But For The Grace Of God..there go we...
Let Go Of Yesterdays...Live in Today...Have Faith in Tomorrows..
You all have some good points for me to consider, and I've been thinking. Well, one thing, right off.. getting carried away with emotions is a good dry drunk and can blot out objective reality, and we can get a great adrenalin rush that is almost as good as alcohol.
Another thing I was thinking is that I remember the first time I was elected chairperson of a group, and then was invited to be the GSR (general service representative). I was told right from the start.. "now don't get the wrong idea about these offices". It was put to me a couple of ways,,, one that if I wanted to be proud of being in leadership... to look who it was that I was leading, a bunch of drunks, and to remember that I am a drunk leading drunks. They also said that positions in AA were not really leadership positions, but service positions. They didn't mean I was more qualified than anybody else, or that I had more power than anyone else,, or that I could change any AA policies. They meant that I was to sit in the chairperson's seat with the responsibility to carry out coordination of already set policies and format,,, just to call on people so they weren't talking all at once,,, keep us on the suggested topics, start meetings on time, end them with prescribe concluding customs. I was definitely not to throw my weight around, or to put my nose up in the air,,, as alcoholics don't take too well to that, and I would find myself with some reactions. The District and Regional reps are also representatives, not legislators.... they go to meetings and listen and present our messages and questions,,, and come back with reports and messages from central. They should bring back manuals and literature to make available to everyone about what is going on, how to get the meeting in suggested format,,, and with numbers to call with complaints. Most people didn't want to be area service reps,, they have to go to meetings where there are problems,, and listen,,, and help the group to understand better what the AA guidelines are and how to meet them.
Might be a good idea to make a thread on the Step 2 passages about how real mature elders act, as opposed to people who have been in it awhile and are getting ego kicks in manipulating the group.
hey.... from one recovering drunk to the others,,, keep on working those Steps, and the program, and more will be revealed, eh?
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Well-I hafta agree with what Gammy mentioned...we take what we need and leave the rest...
Everything in our program is suggested...
We each do what we hafta do individually....and we go our own roads in sobriety..individually...Its
called Live and Let Live..but we do it all together..and we dont try to shove this program..and how
we work it...or think how another should be working it...down another persons throat...
There are some days that I can still talk a pretty good talk...but cant walk the walk...
I can tell yu how to cook a good stew...but when it comes down to cooking it myself....thats another story...
And some days I can be very opinionated..and think I have all the answers to everything...
I hafta look in a mirror and say Bullshit...
As for service?...its one Hell of a lot of work..and takes a lot of patience and tolerance..but its another learning experience...and is very rewarding..
Its another way of giving back ..what one has been given...
Again I add the word "Humble" is a big word..nomatter how long, weve been in this program..or where we are at...
Onward WE go...
Let Go Of Yesterdays...Live in Today...Have Faith in Tomorrows..
Is there anyone here that is considered - more of a 'winner' than the others? The boss? The judge? The last word? The one who finally has it perfectly? The mommy or daddy of whom we are all children in comparison? The guru of MIP? or are we basically just a bunch of recovering alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope from whtever perspective we have?........ AA approved literature.
My opinion. Let's see, hmmm.... yes, no, no no, no, no, no, yes.
For me literature doesn't always have to be AA approved i.e. I'm reading The Purpose Driven Life right now and it's real cool how there's a lot that can be applied to my program....
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
lol I'm also reading some outside books. I just know which books are for this program and which books are for the rest of my life. A lot of stuff is compatible. I read the Bible, I am writing a biography of St Martin de Porres. I like Guidepost magazine,, but I don't talk about them here or in my AA meeting. As far as how anybody does their program,,, hey... the literature tells us how it was meant to be, what the concepts are,, but we all do it the best way we can. Why should I judge anybody who wants to do it a softer easier way? The thing of it is that we each get the consequences of our actions, or inactions in our lives. My goal and interest is learning how to work the program so that my life improves, and that has a ripple effect. How Josie does hers and how that affects her life is her business. We are supposed to 'carry the message',,, and I do,, but what happens to it from there.... back to Step 1... I can't control that and it's better to turn that over to God,, and let God be Josie's God. It's hard to be somebody's God. I'm just another drunk plodding through my life,,, can't run anyone else's. But I can post up the Steps on the Step Work Board, and a Tradition or two here,,, and do my share on it. :) I focus on AA approved stuff, and the AA slogans, Traditions and Steps,,, but if someone else posts up some positive stuff from other sources I have no problem with that.. I take what I need and leave the rest.
God bless you all,
-- Edited by amanda2u2 at 20:54, 2006-02-18
-- Edited by amanda2u2 at 21:11, 2006-02-18
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time