Our basic recovery concept that never loses its power to work miracles is the concept called acceptance.
We do not achieve acceptance in a moment. We often have to work through a mirage of feelings - sometimes anger, outrage, shame, self-pity, or sadness. But if acceptance is our goal, we will achieve it.
What is more freeing than to laugh at our weaknesses and to be grateful for our strengths? To know the entire package called "us" - with all our feelings, thoughts, tendencies, and history - is worthy of acceptance and brings healing feelings.
To accept our circumstances is another miraculous cure. For anything to change or anyone to change, we must first accept others, the circumstance, and ourselves exactly as they are. Then, we need to take it one step further. We need to become grateful for our circumstances or ourselves. We add a touch of faith by saying, "I know this is exactly the way it's supposed to be for the moment."
No matter how complicated we get, the basics never lose their power to restore us to sanity.
Today, God, help me practice the concept of acceptance in my life. Help me accept others, my circumstances, and myself. Take me one step further, and help me feel grateful. ----------------
God grant me the serenity
To Accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference
Have a good day...
Treat others..as I would like to be treated...with respect and love..It is in giving..that we receive..
We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth. --George Bernard Shaw
In order to get well, we have to admit that we alone are powerless over our disease. We need other people to help us.
This is hard for us to do. We aren't used to needing anyone or asking for help. We all pushed people away.
We know now that our way never worked, and that we need help. There will always be someone who will help lead us along the path toward the health and serenity we want. But to ask for this help takes both courage and humility. We gain support from this risk, and also new strength, fellowship, and wisdom. Each time we take the chance to ask for help, we are exercising control over our lives.
Today let me remember I am not alone by asking another for something I need.
There is glory In a great mistake. --Nathalia Crane
Once there was a big girl who liked to play with little kids and their toys. One day she rode one of their small bikes and her foot slipped off the little pedal and her leg got caught and dragged along the sidewalk.
She went home, limping and howling. Her mother put ice on the terrible scrape. The next day, the girl's mother told her she was too big for the little kids' toys. The girl looked up defiantly and said, "I can TOO ride that baby bike."
The girl's mother didn't say anything else. She knew people must be free to make mistakes. We cannot protect another person from the experiences of the world. It would be harmful to both of us to try.
What mistakes have I made more than once before I learned my lesson?
Acceptance is the opposite of denial. It doesn't mean to like it, or to approve of it. It means to acknowledge the reality of it. We can't do anything about things that we are in denial about like 'I'm not an alcoholic'. We can do something about it when we accept the reality of it, like "I am an alcoholic'. Accepting that I have obligations for today is the first step in meeting them. Accepting that it is going to rain today is the first step in responding appropriately, like by bringing my umbrella.
I must accept the reality of the format of this message board program; that I must scroll down and click on 'submit post' in order for it to post. I can't change that.
Today is here, got to accept that with all the stuff that is in it,
the program recommends that I be grateful for it and deal with it in a constructive way,
I'll do my best, trusting in God to do the rest.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
I will be aware of what is going on ,if it's not about me, I will accept it's not about me. If it's about me...I'll ask God for His will.And sometimes I have to accept that no action is the right action.