How often do we sit in AA meetings and hear the speaker declare, "But I haven't yet got the spiritual angle." Prior to this statement, he had described a miracle of transformation which had occurred in him -- not only his release from alcohol, but a complete change in his whole attitude toward life and the living of it. It is apparent to nearly everyone else present that he has received a great gift; " . . . except that he doesn't seem to know it yet!" We well know that this questioning individual will tell us six months or a year hence that he has found faith in God. LANGUAGE OF THE HEART, p. 275
A spiritual experience can be the realization that a life which once seemed empty and devoid of meaning is now joyous and full. In my life today, daily prayer and meditation, coupled with living the Twelve Steps, has brought about an inner peace and feeling of belonging which was missing when I was drinking.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
_______________"In my life today, daily prayer and meditation, coupled with living the Twelve Steps, has brought about an inner peace and feeling of belonging which was missing when I was drinking.
for me, it kinda "creeped up on me" like one day i am talking w/my sponser and all of a sudden i "notice" that i THINK better--- AND i am comming into my own spirituality---i am not the "odd man out" anymore when i am around others......yeah, its like every now and again, i "notice" that i progressed in something-------- great point, doll, thanks.......rosie
Yep, Rosie! I have FLEETING moments of clarity at times........ then I look behind me and wonder where it came from !! LOL
There are so many "obstacles" to overcome when trying to work the program of AA. One less that I've had than most in my HG, and am very grateful for, I have never had a problem with spirituality, I've always believed in God, the one that created heaven and earth. The difference now is, I give HIM the credit, instead of trying to take it myself. And my perception of my HP is ever more growing and changing, all because I was sick and tired of being sick and tiredand He granted ME the gift of desperation.
Love and hugs
-- Edited by Doll at 22:30, 2006-02-09
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *