Just wanted to ask if you all would include my ex, who's still out there, in your prayers. I've been praying for him to be given the gift of desperation for quite some time now and I think I need some reinforments! He really needs help, but he's got to want it, so I figure it will take desperation for that to happen......
Thanks, in advance.
Have a great, sober night....... Love and hugs.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Doll, I will pray for your ex, as I also pray for my husband...God has a plan and we know that they are going to have to admit as we did that they are powerless. I pray each day for those who still suffer with alcoholism and addictions,I also pray that God will never allow me to forget where He found me.