A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. --Pearl Bailey
Is our glass half full or half empty? We may see ourselves as positive people, but when we take the time to examine our thoughts closely, we may be surprised. We may have a lot to complain about, but so what? We can choose misery or happiness. It's all in how we see that glass.
Instead of griping about bills, we become thankful for the money that is coming in. Instead of thinking about what activities we're missing in our lives, we're grateful for the solitude. Instead of being hurt by what friends and family aren't doing, we feel blessed we have them in our lives in the first place.
Today I will humble myself by counting my blessings, knowing that without them I would truly be lost.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
My glass was never half empty or half full when I was drinking--it was always empty and I never seemed to be content with refilling it. Now that I have been sober and working the 12 Steps of AA, it is full of what it should be-- God's love for me and now my ability to love others unconditionally. I am trying to focus on my blessings instead of what I don't have and ask my HP what it is He wants and expects of me, rather than what I think I want, think I deserve, think I am "missing out on" as well as what I expect of others. It has taken a huge load off of me and I feel my ambitions are not as self-centered and self-serving as they once were.
This is just such a beautiful posting in so many ways, and thank you for posting it, Pappy, as it really and truly is the way I want to live my life for the rest of my days. I look at this posting as one of the blessings I have received today.
Thanks Pappy! This quote wouldn't have meant anything to my cynical alcoholic mind back in my drinking days. After the Steps, though, I saw that I was always blessed all throughout my life....even when I was at my worst. I just couldn't see it before, that's all. Mike D.