I am so fed up with all these commercialized hollidays and their advertisements. It's just so depressing, they make you feel like if you don't buy stuff for your loved ones, then you don't really love them. Well, I don't care if my man buys me jewelry, I mostly make my own, diamonds are a waste of money; Don't care for roses, hey, I live in the Rose City, they're everywhere, I do like wildflowers though; Candy, maybe sometimes, what do you guys do, buy your girl candy and then complain when she gets fat? no fair! Well, I just had to get that off my chest, I'm still working on my happy thoughts for today!
I think it was here that there was a thread last holiday season about 'the way it's supposed to be', and that we mostly felt frustrated and disappointed when we expected the holiday to be 'like it's supposed to be'.
This too shall pass.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Can't stand Cupid's day. It happens to also be my Belly Button and as a child I really hated it, almost like (probably) the kid who's Belly button is on Christmas! As a grown up, my ex would get me ONE gift for both!
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
I figure that with Valentines Day it is just another day. If someone sends me something or e-mails or even phones me then it means something because they took the time out of their busy schedule to do that. If not, then I guess it is just another day and I do not matter to anyone.
Just my take about the day.
Hope you have a Happy Birthday Michelle.
-- Edited by jeannie at 11:58, 2006-02-06
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
I don't think I hate Valentines Day, it's just the idea of what it stands for, a loving, caring day for couples...a couple is something I have not been a part of for sometime now. Soooo, I will just send my granddaughter a Valentines card...put some cash in it and know that I made her smile...and I will feel good about that. I don't do chocolate, gives me migraines, and the house looks like a jungle already , all the house plants...so it will be alright when it's over.If there is a special someone in your life don't take them for granted, love is a wonderful thing (or so I've heard?)
I am not fond of the obviously commercial "holidays" like Valentine's Day. Yes, it doesn't hurt that I have been single and never part of a couple in my life. And years ago, kids at school snubbed me by not giving me valentines-unless they, like me, had to give one to EVERYONE! It was not my favorite day ever, even as a kid! I bet few unpopular, unattractive, nerdy, overweight kids like me enjoyed it!
I think it was on a "Peanuts" cartoon special where Charlie Brown didn't get a valentine and complained that he felt the day was just one more time to prove how unpopular he was-I always agreed with that sentiment, whether Charlie said it or some other character. So yes, I hate the day-well, intensely dislike is closer to my feeling, I don't hate much of anything, way too strong an emotion to throw around much! But a day made for couples just accentuates the fact I'm single (though it beats a bad marriage, and can be fun at times) and therefore a near-freak doesn't make me feel great. I don't much like being told to conform to what society (or greeting card, flower or jewelry sellers) calls normal. And I don't care for holidays that cater to only certain people, excluding others and making them feel like losers. People like me do not need Valentine's Day!
How about some holiday for people with pets-you could exchange pet toys and treats? Or Hobby Day, where you exchange items related to your favorite hobby with other enthusiasts? Or Addicts' Day (perhaps Recovery Day would sound better to Hallmark) where you give cards with recovery sentiments to whomever you feel should get them-your AA group; a treatment center; patients, doctors, counselors, nurses or anyone dealing with addiction... whatever! I think these would be better, though commericalization would no doubt ruin the feeling in no time.
Valentine's Day is just the day before candy I don't need becomes cheaper. I send my neice a valentine, and maybe others in my family, but I'd really not miss it if celebrating the day became banned. Too much forced sentimentality for me!