The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. --Marcel Proust
How have we felt when we return to our hometowns, childhood homes, old playgrounds, or high schools after years of absence? Suddenly each place isn't as it once seemed because we're looking through the eyes of someone older and changed. Where we once saw our high school through the eyes of students, we now look at it through the eyes of adults - in a much different way.
So it is with all areas of our lives: our jobs, homes, families, friends, or partners. Many of these people and places haven't changed for a long time. Yet, we change every day. Instead of seeing our job as the same old job or our home as the same old home, we can start to look at them differently.
Tonight we don't need to change things on the outside to feel better on the inside. We can change how we look at things from the inside out. We can start to see who and what are outside of us as if we were looking at them for the first time. Tonight the ho-hums in our lives can turn into ah-has just by changing the way we see them.
There may be many things in my life that haven't changed, but I'm not one of them. Tonight I can see them all with new eyes.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
What a great post. I always have felt so nostalgic when I have visited places or run into people from the past. Never could figure out why, either. I think it is because of how the place and/or person has changed and how much I have changed on the "outside". Buildings are older and not as "new" looking with weathered surfaces and surfaces of people, including myself appear more "weathered" in some cases. (Didn't mean that to sound cruel...). I feel great knowing that my "insides" have had some renovation and are newer and fresher because I am sober and feel so much differently than I did when I was drinking, and hopefully, when I feel sad about seeing things or people from the past, I will be able to see them with "clearer" vision. Thanks, Pappy! BTY
(I wonder when Phil will post a little squirrel getting a "makeover"?)