Well I did go to a meeting today and it was really good - am starting to fit in, first I had to tell them why I was not feeling like I was fitting in, my old thinking stuff.
But I have a Problem today with my PC, and it is making me feel #*$$#*&##$%&(*
Something just like that.
I now have DSL and am trying to figure out how to transfer ALL the stuff I have on AOL to DSL
and I don't think I can take it! TeTe More than this little brain can handle. But I am stuck now, it is all connected!!!!!
I dont like Change very much and you guys, I know, Most Posts have Value, and let's face it Some Posts are kind of USELESS!
Just venting some FRUSTRATION! So I won't throw the whole thing out the window!
Have Good Day you All,
And If you don't see me around in the next week, you'll know I was not successful in the transfer.