And here's the proof, folks! I have been on thin ice w/my job for a while now, before I got sober I called in a LOT, so every call in over my 40 hour sick leave time is an occurance that goes on my record and it affects raises, bonuses, promotions etc. Well, the danger zone for these is 4 in a 12 month period. I was well over that, I KNOW I HAD to be, I've even seen it on the computer under my profile records. So, my boss does my employee profile for 2005 just a few minutes ago, he has me down for TWO, 2 occurances. ONLY TWO. and there's no documentation to show otherwise. And One of these will come off in March and one July 1, which is the day before I went to AA.
Now if that ain't proof god is doing for me, I don't know what is.......
thanks for letting me share.
Love you all.
-- Edited by Doll at 14:26, 2006-01-23
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Doll,Sounds like one of the miracles that seem to happen when you get sober. And the other miracle is we begin to recognize they are happening and give credit where credit is due.